Emotions pt. 18

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           You, Harry, and the kids just came back home.
          "Lincoln!" Willam squeals and your dog comes to lick his face.
"Lincoln!" Darcy squeals just as Willam did. Lincoln kisses them both.
"Seems our pup missed them." Harry says, you are rapped in his arms.
"Yeah guess so. I'm going to go see what I have to catch up on for work. Talk to you at dinner" you say and kiss him on the cheek.
You walk into your study, Harry walks in. "Harry leave me to do this please." You say and grab unfinished paper work.
He kisses you back into your rolly chair. "You kissed me on the cheek. You can't tease me like that." Harry says and walks out of your study.
"Ugh" you sign. You open your laptop. It's automatically is open to face book messager.
Carrie Rington: I can't believe you weren't there to get Darcy! You are such a bad mom! Darcy and Willam and your husband too would be better off with me!
Susan Elders: Harry doesn't deserve you. Bitch!
Lena Garner: screw you! Go kill yourself!
Wendy Foster: go kill your self!
Penny Livingston: Harry is dating a bad person. Like she wasn't there to get Darcy. Darcy ended up with a panic disorder and the end. Geesh y/n ugh I can't take her! She's such a bitch. I bet her mom died on purpose so she wouldn't have to see what her daughter had become!
Penny Livingston: Oops! Didn't mean to send it to you! Jk you should know what you are. And what you are is a bitch!

You started to cry. After years of dating Harry, fans have never said these things to you.
"Babe? You alright in there?" Harry called from the other side. He obviously heard you. You must have been crying more than you thought. I hate my emotions you thought to yourself. You didn't want Harry to know what fans sent you. It wasn't just those 4 you got hundreds. You didn't want Harry to to be mad at the fans.
"I'm ok. Just saw something that reminded me of my mom!" She shout back.

You continued to get these messages. For months. You couldn't help but to read every single one. You barely came out of your study.
"Babe? Can I talk to ya?" Harry called one night.
"Yeah I-I guess" you say and fix your make-up to cover your puffy red eyes.
You walk out there to see Harry on the couch. He wasn't relaxed. He had posture. He was going to ask something serious. Or the conversation was gonna be over something serious.
"Well look who it is! I haven't seen that face in awhile!" Harry says. Did I mention you haven't came to dinner in a month? Yeah. You were practically invisible in the household. Harry would come in or send one of your kids to get you your dinner.
"Lol" you say and roll your eyes.
"Listen here Sweet. I probably shouldn't go. But... do you mind if I go on tour? If you don't want me to go, the boys and I totally understand. It's just I haven't been on a tour in awhile. I'd like to get the feeling again." Harry asked.
Of course you were gonna say yes. You didn't want ruin his chance to get that feeling.
"Go ahead." You reply. You start to walk towards your study. Harry slips you a kiss. You quickly pull away. Something you definitely have never done with Harry.
No, I don't deserve him, you don't deserve Darcy or Willam or anyone. Your mother was and never will be again proud of you. You've screwed up so many times. Meeting Harry was a mistake. He could be married to Ariana Grande or someone like her! You screwed up his life. You gave his daughter a disorder! I must feel pain to even this out.
You grab scissors off your desk. And you start to bleed.

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