Chapter 1

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The stars shimmered like thousands of tiny lightning bugs in the sky spear laid back and sighed as large storm clouds started to move in from the east. She loved the stars and never wanted it to end, she jumped at the sounds of twigs snapping behind her. A familiar voice spoke from behind. "Spear.. it's time to come home now hun your mothers waiting." Her dad had always hated her going out at night alone. 'But daaaddd!" "No but's come on don't wanna get caught in the storm now do we?" He chuckled. He had always seemed to laugh about well everything, I couldn't have asked for a better family.
As we walked back towards the herd we herd crying from over near an oak tree, we approached slowly to see Salvia and André crying. They where my best friend calum's parents.
   "What's the matter?" My fathers face was confused. They had always been one of the happiest couples in the herd and yet here they where crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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