Chapter 21

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"Okay so, since you're back," Kayla begins in a pleading voice. "I thought that maybe we could do something fun."

I raise a brow at her.

"I booked us tickets to the NF show in town." Kayla squeals.

My mouth drops as I stare at her in awe.

"You didn't." I whisper in shock. "Kayla, please tell me you aren't kidding 'cause if you're kidding I will kill you."

"I'm not kidding!" Kayla promises, waving a pair of tickets in front of my face.

"OH MY GOD!" I screech, snatching the tickets from her hands to examine. "We're going to see NF?!"

"We're going to see NF!" Kayla confirms.

We begin to squeal simultaneously - which also means loudly.

"What the hell are you screeching for?" Haiden groans from the kitchen.

"WE'RE GOING TO THE NF CONCERT!" Kayla and I answer in unison.

"NO FUCKIN' WAY!" Haiden gasps.

We nod excitedly.

"Yeah, well, I don't care."

My face drops as Kayla's does the same.

"But...NF is life," I whisper.

"All he writes about is depressing shit. I don't like that," Haiden shrugs.


"It's all over his merchandise, genius." Kayla agrees, rolling her eyes.

Haiden shrugs and walks out of the room, leaving a trail of grumpiness to follow him.

"So...still think he's hot now?" I whisper, a smirk evident on my face.

Kayla rolls her eyes once more.

"Not even the slightest."

Kayla and I giggle.

"What's going on down here?" Parker yawns, his voice hoarse from waking up from a nap.

"Nothing." I squeak as Kayla says, "We're going to a concert downtown tomorrow!"

I face palm so hard, my grandkids can feel it.

Parker quirks a brow and frowns at me disapprovingly.

"Is that so?"

It's a damn good thing he's got the whole hot-sleep-voice-thing goin' on right now because if he didn't have that...Well I'm not entirely sure he'd be alive.

I look to the ground, his stare burning holes at the top of my head.

"Am I missing something here?" Kayla inquires, pointing between me and Parker.

Parker clears his throat 'subtly.'

"Hadley, a word?" Parker says lowly. I nod solemnly and give Kayla a reassuring smile before exiting the living room and following Parker outside.

Once the door is shut, Parker glares at me scornfully.

"What concert?" he manages to heir out between clenched teeth.

"The NF one." I reply.

Parker nods sarcastically and jams his hands into his pockets, obviously frustrated.

"And how many tickets are there?"

"Two." I whisper.

Parker nods again.

"And when did it occur to you that you need three tickets?" Parker growls.

"Never." I whisper again.

"Huh, that's funny." Parker muses in an unamused tone.

"Why do you have to even come with us?" I gain some confidence, which will probably be the reason police find my body in thirty seven years in the middle of a corn field.

"Why?" Parker snorts. His gaze glosses over in anger and betrayal once again. "You are the future queen, and it would be a royal pain in my ass if the future queen were to run off."

"I won't run away," I promise him.

Parker groans.

"Doubt it."

"Don't you trust me?" I furrow my brow.

"Not on your own, I don't." Parker admits.

"Fine." Is all I huff before throwing the door open and stomping back inside, leaving Parker to stand on the front porch, dumbfounded.

Drama I live for it. Please enjoy this shitty ass chapter, me amigos. Okay I need to stop with this saltiness I'm so sorry. HOLY FRICKEN SHIZNITS WE'RE ALMOST AT 10K READS AND 500 VOTES SLKFJWQPOITJWKMFN I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN I LOVE MYSELF😂😂

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