Kill the Arrival

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Somewhere in a City

"Well well well...I did not expect that you two have some interesting stands. Jotaro's Star Platinum. (Y/N)'s Paparazzi." Dio stated calmly while under estimating the two Joestars.

"Unfortunately (Y/N), you're too annoying so I shall deal with you later, bye bye JoJo...Za Warudo!"

*Bwoinggggg tic tic tic*
(A/N: I can't help it the sound needs to be there)

"mudamudamudamudamudamuda! ,Begone young Joestar have a nice trip to the unknown~" Dio unleashed a barrage of punches using his stand before throwing (Y/N) into a "convenient" wormhole that is "somehow" closeby."

Mountain Village

A wormhole spat something out before closing, naturally this thing was you, (Y/N) Joestar.


"Uhhh my body hurts and my bones feel broken, crap! looks like I won't be able to move for a while." (Y/N) complained

"Kurome let's go I heard something coming from this direction."

"Mm, Big sis Akame let's hurry up I don't wanna be beaten by dad or mom."

"Sapnu Puas Emoruk, Emaka My Nim Is Jeff"
(A/N: ;) flip ur phone or whatever upside down then read sapnu puas.)

(Y/N):"Nani?, what sort of animal makes those sounds... oh wait I flew out of a wormhole meaning this place is not earth. Yare Yare, just my luck"
(Y/N) complained again while attempting to stand up only to fail even moving an inch.

Akame and Kurome stumbled upon an injured (Y/N) staring wide eyed at this stranger

(Y/N):"oh it's just some kids, oi can you two throw me a bone here?"

-Akame's POV-

Me and my sister found someone hurt, must be a foreigner though judging from the unrecognizable language he's saying.

(Y/N):"Al Yankovic, Bo Derek, Hinjaku Hinjaku!"
the beaten foreigner speaked.

Kurome:"Sorry mister but we don't know what you're talking about but don't worry me and my sister will help you." Kurome stated before beckoning me to help her drag this person back home.

~Years pass~

(Y/N):"What do you mean you sold Akame and Kurome!" (Y/N) exploded infront of Akame and Kurome's "parents".

AssholeDad:"Shut up mongrel, So what if we sold them? they were useless anyway and we can't wait for them to grow up in order to whore them out to some thirsty noble. This way we have gold to sustain us for a lifetime!"

BitchyMom:" Yeah stupid brat! you are just our children's acquaintace or  "Friend"  what does it have to do with you? Tell you what you can go after them but.. heheheheh, you'll only find corpses because I heard their being enrolled in an  military experiment."

(Y/N):" Unbelievable! I should have killed you two from the start!" (Y/N) roared in anger.

Good for nothing Parents:" What are you gonna do? call the guards or something?"

(Y/N):" Nope!, I'm gonna kill you...~slowly but surely~"

Paparazzi:" Orararrarararararararararara!" (Y/N)'s stand broke all of their bones, pulled their guts out and ripped their tendons out before leaving them to die but not before shoving two separate fire ant nests in their throats.

(Paparazzi has a thing related to cameras  meaning it can imprison objects and people inside pictures and use other camera related power that will be revealed later on. Basically its like having yugioh cards because you can summon the imprisoned object or person inside. paparazzi is the robot in the thumbnail.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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Stand user in another world (Akame ga kill x Mreader stand user)Where stories live. Discover now