chapter 4

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My magic worked earlier.Location spell should be easy.I I might have a way to help.Smell that? Salt water.We're near the sea, which means there's a port.Where there are ports, there are pirates.If a woman passed through with a glass slipper, believe me, they'd know.Go to it, Pirate.And, uh bring Kaleb with you.You know, it'll be a good chance for you two to talk.[Inhales sharply] You're wanted in this realm, lad.I think it's probably best I go alone.Now, why are you in my bar? Well You're the only one who knows this town as well I do.I hear Kaleb Schullar was in here today.Bartender's like a therapist.I don't share secrets.Is that so? Yep.Well, that's okay.I always get my answers.Pay for the drink.Hey.Even as a beat cop, I'm sure you've heard to be careful around him, right? I can take care of myself.Yeah, but listen.Weaver brings a lot of new partners in here, and not a lot of them come back.So ask yourself How badly do you want this job? [Indistinct conversations, laughter] Yo-ho-ho.Brett.Who knows me in this world? Give me your name.[Clank] Why would I give you my name when you already have it? I've heard of you Of me, from that other realm The one created by a wish.So did mention me? It's always nice to make an impression.Yeah, like a bad dream.Everything in that realm was just a twisted version of the truth.Like a cracked mirror.You're not real.I am as real as the night is long.Infinite realms.Infinite possibilities! You're just upset that you aren't always you.So, tell me what did that sweet lass say about me, hmm? She told me she ran into a drunken-fool version of me.What's the what's the matter, Captain Youthful? Are you afraid of what you might become? You see, our stories were the same, up to a point.But in my realm, Wyatt's curse was never cast, and that's when our tales parted ways, and that's when you found love and happiness.But I found misery and heartbreak.And cheap rum, apparently.Now, what do you want from me? That's the 100-doubloon question, isn't it? I realized you had a sister named. Haley Swan.So I wandered the realms trying to find her once again.But where was she? I couldn't find her? Then, today the answer literally jumped into my hand.kaleb: Help.I've been captured by Lady Tremaine.Send Haley That's my bottle.Our bottle.Its magic sent Kaleb's message to both Brett.Now [Chuckles] I know Haley's here, and I aim to take her from you.So, tell me Where is she? Enough.I don't owe an answer to a man soaked in rum and self-pity.Oh, I may be soaked in self-pity, but the truth is I haven't touched a drop of rum for years.[Grunts] [Laughs softly] There he is, taking his sweet time.Now, let's find this Kaleb Schullar.I'm not doing that.Why, what's wrong, Detective? Afraid we're going too far? I don't think we're going far enough.We've got a job.Let's do it.I have a way of getting it done now.Ooh, does someone have a dark side? I'm not the man you think I am.Well, I heard you were in this realm.I had to see for meself.After what you did to me, Captain, you're lucky you have eyes left to see anything at all.Now, tell me what you want, before I give you a second Brett, Brett.Well [Chuckles] you're not gonna hurt me Not when I can help you with a problem like Henry Mills.I can make him go home, and we can both get what we want.And what is it you want? A woman.[Scoffs] Named HALEY Swan.What makes you think this Haley Swan would possibly love you, when no one else would? Because she's already fallen in love with another Captain Brett From another realm.Now, that Captain Hook is dying of thirst, tied under a cart in a filthy alley.Now, I managed to get a little bit of fresh blood before I left him.And I want you to make me like him.You forget I don't wield magic.Well, you always had a talent for acquiring things.Hm? Well, now.I did recently acquire this little number from a fairy godmother.Mm.Bad luck for her.Good luck for me.[Chuckles] And you.We have a deal.[Clank] How would you like to build a house out of reclaimed straw? This app sucks.I'm just wasting your time.It's okay.You did the best you could.Wait, wait, wait.You must have a fairy godmother somewhere, because the perfect job just got posted.A catering gig.At the ballet.

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