Chapter 2

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''We left to the restaurant for eat dinner. We'll be back at about 6pm. Have fun you two! ;) '' The note said.

''So what does it say?'' Harry said looking out of the window.

''It says, that they left for dinner'' I crumbled the note and placed it in my pocket.

I was really mad at them. But I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't know which restaurant they went to. I had to be polite to him.

''So do you want anything?'' I asked nicely taking a plate and putting some salad on it.

''No, thanks. I already ate at home'' He took the plates and went to the kitchen to and placed them back in the cabinet.

''Please don't disappear and leave a note!'' I heard him saying with a smile on his face, from the kitchen.

''Don't worry, I wont'' I smiled and looked up to him while he came in the living room and sat down on the couch next to me.

I turned on the TV. MTV was on. It was Call me maybe. For me, that song was old and I didn't understand why would she give her phone number to a neighbor who she hasn't even talked to yet. What if she hates the way he eats or what if he's a secret nerd, or maybe he's a jerk? Or maybe he's even gay? Which he was. That all cleared out at the end of the video. I knew nothing good could've worked out at first. Anyway I should start talking to him. He seems nice and funny.

''So, uhm, what's your favourite colour?'' I asked hoping he wouldn't think, that I don't know what to say.

''It's orange,'' he smiled, ''and yours?''

''Green, light green.'' I smiled back.

''So why do you think they left us?'' Hoping he would, maybe, know a different reason, than getting us both closer.

''Well...'' he said, like he would know something, '' dad, actually, wanted us both to d-'' he stopped talking.

''He wanted us both to what?'' I asked even though I realized, that he wanted to say 'date'.

His face turned a little bit red.

''Khm, get to know each other better...'' He looked at the TV.

Seriously? They wanted us to date? That's sick. I mean, why would I date him, a complete stranger? I didn't even know his last name and why did they come exactly?

''Wait, so why did you and your father come here?'' I didn't want to rude, but I had to know it.

''Oh, well my dad will work with your father in the same job, so he contacted your father and they set up this meeting, of course I had to come with him so he wouldn't be so shy. I don't know how he's doing right now...'' He looked at me and I looked into his eyes.

His eyes were green. They were dreamy just like his voice and... wait what?

''Uhm,'' he looked away, ''where's the bathroom?'' he said looking into the hall.

''Come, I'll show you.'' I stud up and went to the hall.

He followed me as I was going upstairs. Once I was upstairs I went to the bathroom.

''Here,'' I pointed at the bathroom door.

''Thanks'' He said as he opened the bathroom door.

''Well, take your time'' I said while walking downstairs.

''I will'' He laughed.

His laugh. It was so cute and dreamy. Wait, not again. What the fuck? What am I even thinking? I don't even know him good enough, to think anything about him. He still is attractive, though. But not that attractive. I went downstairs and headed to the living room. I sat on the couch and fixed my really messy bun.


Finally my parents arrived home with his father. They came in while we were talking about my ex-boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend. We actually had a lot in common. It was really nice talking with him.

''Sorry for interrupting you two, but, Harry, we should go home'' His father said while looking at the empty salad bowl.

''Oh, it's six already?'' Harry said looking for the clock in the living room.

I smiled and pointed at the clock. It was twenty past six. He made a cute, quiet laugh. I really liked his smile.

''K, byeee!'' I heard Harry say from the hallway.

Mine and his parents had a chat in the hallway. He went away and it was almost seven. I went to my room and put my phone to charge. Even, though, it was almost fully charged. I took a shower and put on my pajamas. They were in different green colour tones. I went to my bedroom and sat in bed. I took my phone. I saw I had one unread message.

Heeeyyy, how are you?

It was an unknown number.

Who are you? I replied.

Oh sorry I'm Harry ;D So, I was saying; How are you? He wrote after two minutes.

How did you get my number? I asked him, because I clearly remember, that I didn't give him my number.

Your farther gave it to me while You were dressing upstairs. NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION; How are you? xD He replied to me after five minutes.

 I'm fine, thank you. :) And you? I said with a smile on my face.

 We texted for an hour or two and he was the only one who could make me smile, besides Alana. Wait, Alana, where did she go? I called her. There was no answer. I checked skype, facebook and different social websites. I tried to contact her in all the ways I can, but there was no answer.

I took my phone, my wallet, my keys and a flashlight. I put on my jacket and my hat. She lived only five minutes away, two minutes if you run. I put on my black sneakers. I went to the living room to tell my mum where and why I'm going.

''You're not leaving! It's almost nine. It's late and dark outside.'' She said in a mad voice tone.

''But she's not picking up the phone! I'm worried sick!'' I said almost crying.

''Don't worry, she's fine. Maybe she's out with her parents.'' She said closing the magazine and standing up.

''But I just need to make sure! I mean what if something bad happened?'' I said with a tear falling down my cheek.

''You'll check on her tomorrow, she's fine, I promise'' She said while hugging me tightly.

My father was upstairs so he didn't hear anything. 

I heard a doorbell, twice. I thought it was Alana. But it couldn't be her. It's really late outside. She couldn't be there. 

'' I'll get it'' I said as I placed my bag and hat down on the couch.

''Fine, but I'll be close'' She said and followed me as I walked to the door. I opened the door.

It was Alana.

She had shopping bags which had holes in them.

Her arms had scratches on them.

She fell on her knees.

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