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I took the beauty and now it haunts me

The gold I intended to use for fighting shadows

Has only created its own shadows

As all material things must

I became everything I swore I'd never be

You let me be consumed by beauty

Just trying to find my own kind of beauty

Life became a being of greed and lust

I am now a slave to my own monotony

The gold I choose to chase

Now makes me cry when they fight the chase...

And I can't take too much of this

Every time I try to shoot, I shoot and miss

And I can't take this too much longer

Lying every day, telling you that I've grown stronger

And I can't take this another day

Smiling, telling everyone that I'm okay

And I can't take this any more

When you look at me, I just feel like...

I'm smaller than ever before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2010 ⏰

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