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I sat down with everyone and we started talking
"So Y/n" Amy starts "you know your little crush you have"
I start to blush. You see, I have this crush on Ethan that only Amy knew about.  And it's not a tiny crush, it's a huge crush.
"Y-yea" I stuttered. I was terrified that she was going to tell Ethan or something.
"Well, I'm going to try to get you guys together" She bursts. I shake my head and laugh
"Well good luck with that. He probably doesn't like me in that way" She then smiles widely.
"Or maybe he does." She gives me a mysterious look. I just laugh and start talking to everyone else.
What does she mean by "maybe he does?"

(Time skip to after lunch)

After lunch we all get up to go to class.
"Hey Y/n wait up!" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Ethan. He catches up to me out of breath from running.
I laugh "Hey Ethan" He smiles a dorky smile
"So I was thinking, maybe you want to get coffee with me and the others after school?"
I nod "Sure sounds fun!" He nods then leaves. I hope Amy doesn't tell him. I mean he probably doesn't even like me that way, right? He is way too cool and adorable, and funny,  and-
I cut my self off. I shouldn't be thinking this. He just met me today.

(Time skip to after school)

After school I go to my locker and grab my things. I leave to meet up with Ethan but he finds me first. 
"Hey Y/n, you ready?" I nod and we start to walking to his, now our, friends. When we get there everyone is sitting in a circle on the ground.
"What are you guys doing? You look like you are in a cult or something" They laugh
"Come on let's just go" Amy says laughing

(Time skip to coffee place because author is laaaaazy)

When we get to the coffee house we all order our drinks and sit down at a booth that will fit 8 people. I'm in between Amy and Ethan and we all start talking.

We talk and drink our coffee for about an hour. Then Amy has an idea

"Hey how about this, we have a giant sleepover at my house next weekend. That gives you guys enough time to get to know each other better, and then we have a giant sleepover with our best friends."

I nod agreeing to this. I mean how bad could it be?

"Sounds fun" Mark and Tyler say at the say time. They laugh and we continue to talk

(Time skip brought to you by Jim)

After about two more hours of talking and drinking coffee we all leave. But before I left Ethan caught up to me

"Hey Y/n, i-is it o-okay if I g-get your number?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck. I nod and take his phone out of his hands and put my number in.
I put my contact name as Amy's Emo Friend. I give him his phone back then start walking home.

(A/n: Sorry about all the time skips)

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