| = > Chapter Six < = |

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The remaining hours of my morning were spent locked up in my bedroom, similar to last night. Though there really wasn't a steady source of entertainment, seeing as somehow the boys managed to disable the communication features upon my phone. Hell, I can't even go on the internet without being blocked.

Screw you, Baracuda.

Hitting this obstacle, I decided to delve into the collections upon the bookshelf. It could be foresaw that these books were merely for decorative use, since the majority were either reference titles, historical textbooks or overall in different languages. I tried analyzing a Spanish written novel, but four years of foreign language in high school only got me so far. The literal only word I could recognize was ¡Hola!.. And there's only so many times characters can say hello in a story.

My attempts in finding amusement sizzled out after I pulled out the last book, which was a dictionary of every vocabulary word retaining to the Crusades. It ended up being a very uncomfortable pillow for my whirring skull, as if the knowledge could somehow seep through into my brain. Physics would have been a whole lot easier if that were a thing.

Another frustrated sigh pokes through my parted lips, gaze rendering to repeat the memorized patterns upon the ceiling. There's a small groove there, and a few paces to the right is a large bump in the plaster.... What the hell am I doing?

I push my body from its purchase upon the carpet, eyes angling to peer at the closed door. Maybe I could have a small peek around, I am going to be here for awhile...
Then again, I run the risk of encountering one of the boys (especially Hoseok since he's somehow everywhere). And I really don't want to face grumpy Yoongi again.

But on the other hand, I could always dart the other direction if I see one of them approaching. Or just kindly tell them to piss off. Guys don't like dealing with angry females, that's a fact I've gathered over the years of living with many boys. So, I'll use that to my advantage...

Proud with the analytical decision, I climb to my feet and begin the trek towards the door. I reach the obstacle, softly nudging it open with my foot. It parts to reveal the vacant hallway, now brightly lit by the light streaming in through the single window imbedded within the far wall. I conquer the length of the corridor, passing by each known bedroom door. However, one oddball catches my attention, a single door Jin never mentioned of yesterday.

Standing in front of the wooden blockade, I attempt to turn the metal knob. The handle refuses to budge, remaining locked within place. Disappointed, I retract myself from the mystery door, choosing to quietly scale the marble staircase. My gaze sweeps the area, checking for any sign of movement. None catches my eye, but a slither of light peering beneath Namjoon's office door does.

Good to know.

I step through the parlor into the empty dining room, then check the kitchen for either life or another exploration option. The only potential candidates included the dusty broom cabinet with an attached alcove filled with enough canned and boxed goods to sustain a small country for months. Stepping away from the storage space, I prepare to travel back towards the main area when a certain sight halts my motives.

A new door. But not just any door... The kind that leads outside.

The offer was tempting, to simply wrench open the exit and take off across the yard. Escaping sounded like a really nice option... The consequences and extremities however, not so much.

The nearest bus station is almost fifty miles from here, this being known because PD paid our previous bus driver to drop us off a lot closer. And my attempt at fleeing would only grant an alert to my Dad, which will cause more stress. Of which he doesn't need right now.

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