If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you-This Town by Niall Horan
It's been a long day and I'm trying to figure it out
The way those words left your mouth
I feel broken, shattered, and blue
And it's all because of you
And I'm trying, trying to figure it outIf this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?
If this is love
Why does it break me down?
Why do you break me down?Even though it hurts in this moment
I've always known it
You're the other half of my broken heart
-If This Is Love by Ruth B
"Menyerah atau menunggu?
Adalah keputusan yang sulit bagiku.
Jika aku menyerah,maka semua usaha ku hanya sia - sia saja.
Jika aku menunggu
Lantas sampai kapan?
Sampai kau bersama yang lain?"Antara bego dan sayang ya beda tipis.
Lebih tepatnya,
Kita nya bego.
Dan sayang sama orang yang bego pula."
-vea"I'm tired of fake love
I'm tired of fake friends
I'm tired of being care
I'm tired of being broken
I'm tired of hoping
I'm tired of pleasing everyone
I'm tired of one-side love
I'm tired of everything."
-unknown"When your heart wants him but your mind wants to kick him ass f*ck"
"I don't know how people survive about love.
Right here..
Just pretending it was like a nightmare that's never end."
-veaHai! Lama tidak jumpa.
Semoga kamu masih inget aku ya.
Kok jadi kayak ngomong sama mantan?. Haha.Terimakasi utk yg sudah baca :)
Don't forget to vote and share!
Kalo gamau
Yaudah vote aja lah at least
Maksa lho ini.
Canda (:)Catatan buat yg mau baca aja :
Suka sedih gitu liat readersnya ga seimbang sama voters nya:(
Pls ya kalau mau lbh banyak quotes kayak gini kalian bisa klik vote.
Ga rugi kok.
Cuma klik aja tu tanda bintang yg ada di pojok.:)Bye.
PoetryQoutes about life. Language: English & Bahasa Kindly vote after read bcs it's mean a lot to me. :)) ☆NB: sedang mencari judul yang tepat utk cerita ini.☆