part one

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Dream is all they say!but for xena it was another story,she was just 10yrs before her mom passed away,she had the most amazing and a perfect life!she remembered everything that her mom did!!she remembered how she made her feel like a real princess,she remembered all the sweet moment she had with her mom,she did all she wanted yet her mom never said a word!after her mom's death,her father Xavier had to raise her up by being both parents to her!xena was more happier to have her dad by her side!her parents were the world to her that no words can describe them

years and years later!when xena was almost 14,her dad decided to re-marry!!he decided that Xena should have a step-mom who can take care of her while he's gone!!but for xena it was all a heart-breaking news!she dint wanted her dad to re-marry!!Xena dint know that her step-mom already had one daughter from someone else!
when Xavier brought Natalia home,Xena was shocked beyond words!she had nothing to say!!all she thought was how can her papa re-marry to a woman who had already one daughter!

Xavier's Pov: "Xena come say hello to your step-mom Natalia and her daughter Anna"!

Xena was really afraid that the lady her papa re-married was more scary than her own shadow!!she was trembling like a leaf in a storm as she murmured with a shaky little voice,

Xena's Pov:"hhhh...eeelllo Mam Nnn...atalia and Anna",

Natalia's Pov: "hello little girl i mean Xena(with a witche's smile) from now on you can call me mother Natalia and***whispers***in her ear "welcome to hell i never thought Xavier had a daughter,i always dremt my daughter Anna gets everything from this wealth"!as she smiles back to her!

Xavier's Pov:"xena i hoped you liked your step-mom Natalia and her daughter Anna"!

Xena's Pov: "yes papa",as she fakes her face with a smile coz she dint wanted to break her own papa's heart!

as Natalia and Xavier were having chit chat,Xena decided to go to her room and cried!she cried her lungs out!she cried and she said by her heart"Mother i wish you could take me with you"i never knew papa had to marry a witch who doesn't even know me!"

time,weeks,days and month passed,nothing happened to Xena,Natalia was playing a roll of a loving wife!she pretended to like Xena infront of Xavier tho she had a black heart

A time came when Xavier was called for a duty by his boss!he gave Xena a nice and a long lasting kiss on her forehead and said,"stay safe my child,be a good girl at school and home ,you r my only one and no1 can take your place,always remember papa loves you most!".poor Xavier dint know that Natalia was Eave-dropping behind the door!

Natalia Pov:(talking to herself) "No one can take your place huh?"old man dint you know "Natalia"has her ways!i never loved you Xavier i just needed your wealth and your daughter will be my slave and that what you said will be the last goodbye to your precious little princess/my slave!"(making a devilish smile)

Natalia waited for Xavier to exist the house that's when she made a call to some unknown criminals!she sent them Xavier's pic and told them all the details that should get to be done.

the night came by,Xavier wasn't home yet,her daughter Xena was worried!she cried all night,she went by the door waiting for her only papa to return!she thought something was wrong and prayers was all she had for him!she wanted him to be safe(A/N: remember Xena is still 14)

Natalia's Pov:"hey young lady what are you doing by the door at this hour?"dint you know it's late at night?"

Xena's Pov:"a..m ww...aiting for my papa,have y...oo..uu seen him?"(with a shaking voice)

Natalias Pov:"listen you filthy rat,your papa is dead and now go to your room and never ask me about your papa again,do you understand?"

Xena's Pov:"nooo nooo!that's impossible my papa won't leave me!!i dont believe you!!where did my papa go?i need my papa"! as she cries out loud!

Natalia's Pov:"you wont shut up huh?"i know how to deal with filthy rats like you!"

she started dragging Xena down the living room towards the staircase till she reached Xena's room!but this time it wasn't the princess room Xena had,but it was an abandoned room where not even Xena's parents knew it existed in the house!as Xena was wondering to what Natalia was going to do next,she felt a painfull hit on her head that sent her down the cold floor punting in pain and agony as tears started rolling down her cheeks,she wished that one day she will get away from here!she'll get away from all the Anna's and Natalia's issues!she wished to vanish to a neverland!where she will be loved and get married and hoping to meet her dead parents even if it was there spirits.

Poor Xena dint know that the room she was ,wasn't just an ordinary room!!!but it was a magical room!!a magical cold dark room that one day will answer all her wishes!

A/N: dear readers i'm just new to all this writing and magical things and jeeeez!!someone shoot me now!the worst thing is that i'm not really good at english!and yas dear readers this story is mine!!!!it came from my own mind!!i hope you enjoy it tho it's a bit short!please nice comment only!

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