part 4

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A/N:"little of harry potter's magic trick wont hurt!

Xena's pov:(thinking)"i dint know where the voice was coming from till i saw a figure in the shadow and hoped for the figure to show itself!!

Judith's Pov:"don't think i can't see you Arthur,what do you want ?are you here to join me in killing the late Samantha's grandaughter?

Xena's Pov:(talking in her heart)"as he came out of the shadows,there he was,a mysterious handsome man,his presence thrills me beyond words thinking my heart would stop,i tried to ignore the feelings for a while,but it failed,as my eyes meets his,my breathe almost stoped."

Arthur's Pov:"i'm here to end you Judith,i've been craving to kill you all this years and for Xena,that doesn't concern you.

Xena's Pov:(still talking in her heart)"he pronounced my name in a mellifluous sexy tone that which Put my heart at ease,i knew someone was coming to save me".

Judith's Pov:"no wasting time,your looks are just like your grandma!your grandma tried killing me!!but i was lucky to end her"!

Xena was just Standing still,still glued to the ground not saying a word,she was soo confused yet not afraid coz she knew some1 had her back

Arthur's Pov:"enough Judith!you know well that No1 crosses me!but since you made me angry,this is your last goodbye,AH-gwah-MEN-tee",

Xena's Pov:"(talking by herself)"i never believed what i saw!fountain of water came through his bare hands and h...hi...his eyes turned turned white!!w..haat???who who is he?was he the man the old lady ttold h..heee aaa wizard"!

the water went through the old witch which made smoke come through her skin.

Arthur's Pov:(still continuing)"A-LAR-tey ah-SEN-deh-rey".

he Shoots his target(witch)using the fountain of water high into the thin air making her nowhere to be seen(vanished)

xena was shocked,Stunned she wasn't able to complete a sentence
Without a stutter or a stumble.

Xena's Pov:(in her heart)"my hands were shaking,there were tears in my eyes,I can't just stop thinking to what has just happened!words cluttered In my brain,my heart and soul!all i wanted was to let those words out to Cry them, scream them But I can't and all i needed was answers".

Arthur's Pov:"we have to go".

Xena's Pov:(crying in anger)"go?where?to kill me?to kill me just the way u did to the witch?if it's you Killing me,then just do it now.I'm done with this life and all its stressfullness!"

Arthur's Pov:"calm down No1 is going to kill you!there are some words that were left to be untold,you have to know what you din't knew for all this years".

Xena's Pov:"all this years huh?i know i've been tortured all this years!!what's there left to be told!is it about Natalia and her daughter"?

Arthu's Pov:"You dont know how important you are to me and to your Grandma".

Xena's pov:"grandma?what grandma?and what you?who you even"?

Arthu's Pov:"i can't tell you here!you have to come with me to my land."

Xena's Pov:"isn't this not your land?"

Arthu's Pov:"no it's not,we have to go to the North there's where my kingdom is".

Xena's Pov:"if this not your land,why'd you show yourslef?why'd you saved me"?

Arthur dint liked soo many questions and he had one more thing to do,he used his Teleportation chant and Xena found herself in a big kingdom!and all she did was to faint.

A/N: hey guys i had to use little of harry potter's magic spells coz am not good at that!!!all i know is just abracadabra!!!its short but i hope you enjoy

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