:'( Silverstream and Greystripe :'(

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I finished it but then realized Starclan cats has just white shinig eyes, so here are both

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I finished it but then realized Starclan cats has just white shinig eyes, so here are both. 

(Starclan is where dead clan cats go)

 Yes this is Warrior Cats. A AWESOME book series, Im so sorry if someone is reading it and has not come to the part where Silverstream dies.. SPOILERS... haha...

Silverstream is a Riverclan cat.

Greystripe is a Thunderclan cat.

They fall in love.

They secretly meet, but Firestar follows Greystripe one day and finds out. (leader of Thunderclan, but in that season he is Fireheart, a warrior cat)

Sadly... she.. not saying how she died... read the books to find out!

Some may not ever read the books and not find out.

Spoilers Im about to say how she died.

Last warning if u are reading the book. Prob not but just incase xP

She died as she was kitting, lost too much blood. 2 kits lived while the other died. They were raised in Riverclan, Greystripe just couldnt leave their kits so he joined Riverclan. It was hard for him to fit in ofcourse. I've read more books after that and they are grown up and all... but I forgot their names lel, Its been super long since I read the books! I just suddenly stopped.. I stopped at a goddamn small cliffhanger aswell lol. I have to order the next book soon!

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