Deception of the Hood (DIMBFF CONTEST ENTRY)

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This is my entry for Katrocks247's DIMBFF contest. I first discovered DIMBFF by casually scrolling down the What's Hot page and decided it looked pretty interesting. I love this series so much because Faith is so relatable, the characters are so imaginative, and, most of all, I just can't wait to find out what happens in the end!

Anyways, I would just like to also say that this contest has been pretty fun- especially reading other contender's entries.


I woke in a bare wooden pew the next morning.

Sunlight shine through stained glass, dying my skin and the surrounding air gold, red, and teal. I blinked at the saints that stared down apathetically. It smelled like cedar, must and Pinesol- the Pinesol nearly singing off my nose hairs.

Letting loose a yawn and popping a few joints, I ran a hand through knotted hair that, even when mussed, ran to my elbows. Jeez, when was the last time I cut it? I could practically hang myself. Or strangle someone. Someone with a big scythe and a knack for being a pain in the ass. I almost smiled at the mental image.

Gabriel was nowhere to be seen- probably gone to address other heavenly issues. Maybe God needed a foot rub.

I lifted my arms in a stretch and my hand brushed up against a folded piece of paper. Curiously, I picked sit up, noting the heavy stock and golden seal that portrayed a pair of angel wings. I broke the wax and read the words inked in blue pen,

'Faith Williams-

You may go back to civilization to attend to your human needs. I have conjured a motor vehicle for you to drive. There will be currency in the back seat. Do not forget your crucifix- use its protection. My kind is watching over you do not fret. It would do you well to pray at this time, Faith. God has not forgotten you.


The thought of food and freedom made me near sob. I'd have to repay Gabriel somehow, someday- though I wasn't sure what an angel would ever want.

I shoved the paper in my jean pocket, and wobbled down out of the church, past the stone steps. Parked in the gravel driveway sat a white Mozda- how Gabriel got it, I'd never know.

I peeked through the dark windows of the car and made out a set of keys, dangling from the ignition.  The door was unlocked. I found a small but thick roll of tens in the center console and pocketed that, throwing my silver cross in the passenger's seat.  Briefly, I wondered how Gabriel 'conjured' a car and cash. I could hardly imagine the golden-haired angel committing grand theft auto. Maybe this was just another perk of being The Chosen One. So far, it'd been the only perk. Harry Potter would be jealous of my angst.  I was full on Bella-Swan-during-New-Moon angst. The gaping hole in my torso, however, had healed about a thousand times and, for the thousandth and one time, it'd been ripped open again.

I'd been holding it at bay since I woke up, but it was tearing at the edges of my conscious until bam- agony pie and misery cake all over me. More than that, there was fear laced into that pain concoction. I tried not to look towards the woods and imagine the darkness, clowned fangs, or death threats that loomed over my head like a guillotine.

I sat there, trying to hold it in, trying to will the images of my parents, Death and mine's last encounter, my old life- my old self- away. Suddenly, I remembered being in my apartment, talking with Gabriel. He had asked me if I wanted a normal life. And I turned that down....accepting my fate.

But that was when I half-way trusted Death. The hole had been healed then. I cursed myself.

I pressed my fingers to my temple until I felt pain, willing myself strength. To get through this mess just long enough to take a shower, get something to eat, and collapse all over again.

Deception of the Hood (DIMBFF CONTEST ENTRY)Where stories live. Discover now