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My hard dick was in a damn pain I finally get into my one true loves dreams. I made the offial bruise at her hips by accident. An official bruise is when a dragon basically makes a type of bruise only it knows to fetch its prey. In this case I have chosen a female to be my prey I had the urges to grab her that instance and eat her hear.

But. I saw those big clear blue eyes of her and I knew she was mine. Even I can posses her body to stay asleep as I show her how a real man gives her woman pleasure. Well I am a dragon. Mother strolls in. Her dragon form was bigger than mine still being adolescent in dragon age but an adult in human years. Mother is a pretty old woman but her human body remained at the age of thirty.

I decided to keep my form after I give half my heart to my beloved so she can live forever by my side. If a dragon hands half its heart to their beloved the beloved will live on and after a month or so they become a dragon. Slowly becoming one though. The transformation can be painful many of the times but it is known that it is rare for a dragon to find their beloved.

Mother couldn't find hers so she went in heat once and she got desperate in needing a companion. A dragons life is hard if you are a rare breed. Thats when she met dad. He was a type of water dragon seeking a female to mate. While mother is a shadow dragon. So I am half shadow and half water dragon. I can swim underwater even in antartica I can and I won't freeze.

Well I got two hours to search what ever am looking for or my fire will extinguish by the low temperature. My fire is the only heating up my body when in cold temperature. So on father died in search of food he tried to kill me because he didn't want males he wanted females. He wanted more females to keep procreating but mom caught him lowering the flames. With his breath and hence father rushed out the cave to never return.

Mother got so angry because even though she knew she was used to procreate she at least wanted a family. To end up well with me. My sister didn't survive at the beginning from the lac of fire in her egg she came out eat. Her body small and her flames were low. Mother tried everything even I tried but when she started to become bigger her flames extinguished when a humter threw a spear at her heart.

Mother mourned for days but was able to kill the man who killed my sister. I became strong and helped mother make the cave bigger and stronger. Humans come up and they never go back down. We eat them so nobody know's where we are. We heard a roar outside our cave as mother lets drop two lambs. I let mother deal with the intruder as I ate half my lamb.

I know mother she needs the more meat in her stomach.

"Leave you are not wanted..." I heard her almost roar out

Huh? I started to walk the entrance in dragon form at least to help mother battle. There were a few other nature and water dragons. They must be seeking a cave.

"We came to seek your son..." one spoke he must be older because he sounds wise he is a water dragon

"Stay away from him and from me! He has done anough damage to my family..." I saw anger and I saw how mothers scales started to raise with anger

"He is a prince he is supposed to lead and keep the blood line alive! You cannot keep him away from his destiny!" a nature dragon yelled he as well sounded older

"Prince? My son is no Prince you can tell him that and I will not let you take him..." mother snaps at them

Mother is basically almost the last shadow dragon alive and female. The five dragons got angry but they weren't even as big as mother.

"Then we will take him by force!" another nature dragon spoke

A camouflage dragon appeared and wrapped itself around mother. She falls to the ground with a loud vibrating thud. I got mad and I breathed fire. Making the camouflage dragon roar in pain and lets my mother go. Dragons are not affected to fire from another dragon or human. But am special I can actually kill a dragon with my flames.

The tallest one a water dragon looks my way the glare he had vanished "Ah! There you are boy... I hope you will cooperate with us and follow us to the castle.."

I snaurled out a no "Child you do not understand... Your a prince... King of all dragons... The King chose your mother to procreate a strong child and breed..."

A female nature dragon responded and I snapped "He wanted a female! Not a male! He can chose some other female to procreate"

"This is your destiny females go in heat every three years..." one takes a step closer mother stands up

"Get a female to procreate I will not stand this!" I snapped as fire came upwards anger evident in my features so I add "These are my lands and I shall ask you to live and I will not repeat myself..."

They all looked at each other and one took a step forward "You are eldest... We shall return a d we shall bring an escort..."

I breathed out fire and they jumped up I got one in a back leg making it hiss out in anger and pain. They flew away quickly mother walks to my side as she looks down.

"What King is my father?" I asked her still angry

"King of all dragons... You are not part water dragon..." she whispered out and she adds "... your part hell dragon a dragon that controls others and can inflict other dragons pains and killing them with just mere flames"

I looked at the sky and sighed out while saying I needed to change the subject "I found my beloved yesterday..."

I felt her eyes on me "Am so glad! What type is she?"

I sighed and speak "She's human..."

I looked at her and she still looked happy "Human... Then you don't need to matter in her getting pregnant... Only a female dragon in heat can get pregnant... She being human you can actually how do humans say it make love whenever you wish even in dragon form if you hand her half your heart..."

I take the information in. So I don't need to wait every three years to have sexual encounters with her. I felt my growth spam kicking in and I hissed as I clawed at the floor. Why know?

"Honey did you bruise her when you encountered her?" she asked me as she places her claw on my shoulder

"Y-Yes..." I hissed out

"Then it means your already an adult in this form..." she whispered out

I do remember her lessons on growth spam. The last thing I needed to do was bruise someone anybody. That was my attemp a month ago. Man I forget shit so much. I felt my wings get larger as my body began to stretch. Horns began to appear on my head and sides of my jaw. My eyes ached and I looked up as my head got bigger and my neck got a bit longer.

This is the most painful thing ever to happen in the last stage. My first time shifting in a dragon I woke up on a pool of my own blood. Mother rushed to my side she looks worried but was proud of me in fully shifting into a human. The second stage was the growth spam where my baby form starts to grow each passing month. The last stage is another growth spam but I must bruise someone and the next time without warning a hell of pains for a full half an hour.

I roared up to the skys as flames burst up stronger hotter and they changed a few colors. I never thought flames could change color. I saw Blue, Yellow, Normal Orangy red, Purple, Grey and finally what caught my attention was Black. It looks amazing how flames can be so different.

I shot my mouth as I stretch out my wings as a type of claws appeared at the border of the wing. So I can hook myself against the wall.

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