Chapter 9

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I'm so sorry guys I've been inactive I will try to be more but school and my dad's house gets in the way
Camila POV

It's been two days from when Shawn and Camila and Austin hung out

     "Babe," Lauren said to a sleeping Camila, "Baby I got to get up the girls and I have a meeting today so we won't be back till later," "mmmmm," Camila said wrapping her arms around Lauren's torso "I don't want you to go," "Well babe I have to but we will be back in like 2 hours." Lauren replied

     "Fine but I'll miss you," the younger girl said while Lauren got up "Well when I get back what do you want to do," "Come back to bed with me," Camila said. "Oh my fucking god you are so lazy," Lauren said back, "But I still love you," she said while kissing the top of Camila's head.

    Lauren and the girls left so now it was only Camila left in the house so she got up and went to the living room to go watch some tv. "I guess I'll just watch friends till Lo gets back" then suddenly her phone buzzed

Douchebag: Hey...

Camila: tf do you want

Douchebag: you

Camila: really?? I highly doubt that

Douchebag: look Camila I'm sorry ok

Camila: nope I'm done Alex

Douchebag: I didn't even do anything wrong

Camila: really cheating on me with other girls isn't something wrong

Douchebag: Forgive me babe please

Camila: Nope
*camila blocks douchebag at 12:56 pm*

"Jesus she just won't leave me alone," Camila said putting her phone down

Babe❤️❤️: Hey just got out we are going out for lunch do you wanna meet up

Camz💕: Um yea where at

Babe❤️❤️: Dinah wants to go to Blakes's barnbunk

Camz💕: she does realize that's a bar right 😂

Babe❤️❤️: Lmao yea she says she likes the food there.

Camz💕: Okie I'll see u in a few love you 😘😘

Babe❤️❤️: love you too 😘😘

    Camila arrived at the bar, and walks in to find her girlfriend and her friends at a table in the back. "Hi chanch" Dinah said to Camila "Hi" Camila said sitting down next to Lauren. "Hey what's wrong," Lauren whispered in the younger girl's ear while putting a had on her thigh. "My ex texted me," Camila whispered back "are you ok," Lauren said "Yea just a little upset."

   The girls ordered their food, "Dude Mike yelled at me today because he said that I was on my phone too much. The nerve," Dinah said "Well babe you were on your phone for 15 minutes straight," Normani said "Well it ain't my fault I got a social life," Dinah replied back which made Camila laugh along with the other girls.

     The girls went back to the apartment and Lauren pulled Camila into their room, "Babe what happened," Lauren asked the other girl, Camila told Lauren what happened between her and her ex Alex. "I'm so sorry come here," Lauren said pulling the girl into a hug which she started crying "shhh it's ok I'm here and I'm never gonna cheat on you nor leave you again," Lauren said kissing the top of her head

     Both girls were in complete silence until Camila spoke up, "I think we should tell them we're together" "Who the girls?" Lauren asked "Yea they deserve to know," Camila replied "Ok" Lauren said while walking into the hallway yelling "5H MEETING IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!." "Oh fuck last time we had one of these she yelled at me and Normani for "doing the nasty too loud," Dinah said walking out of her and Normani's room

     Once everyone was in the living room Lauren told everyone to sit down, everyone looked at each other in confusion
"Camila," Lauren said while grabbing her hand Camila took a breath "ok what the fuck is going on," Dinah said "Lauren and I are um dating," "OH MY GOD I CANT CAMRENNNNNNN MANI GO GET MY CAPTAIN HAT ITS IN THE CLOSET," Dinah said screaming running to the girls hugging them "Bitch I ain't getting shit and I knew it," Normani said "Oh my god you guys are so cute," Ally said.

Well Camren is out lmao

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