Chapter 13

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Daniella’s P.O.V.

“Niall!!” I shrieked

I pushed my father away so I could escape. I rushed over to Niall’s trembling body. HE was so cold, pale, and he looked like he was in so much pain. I couldn’t help but break down crying.

“Please Niall, i-I l-love you.” I whispered

I thought about what I had just said.

Do I love him?

Yes you do! And he loves you, too!

Than why did he storm off when I was in the hospital?

Cause he’s a guy. And when the girl knows that they like you, they deny it and , make a run for it.

True. But there’s another problem.

Which is?

I’m still going out with Zayn.

He doesn’t really like you, he just thinks he does. He will dump you, eventually.

Ok. I hope you’re right.

“Let’s get him in the van, Now!!” I yelled

“Louis and Liam, stay here with Connor. And wait an till the cops get here.” I commanded

Zayn and Louis carried Niall’s body and put it in the back of the van. I crawled in wnext to him. While Zayn drove us to the hospital.

“He’s lost to much blood. What if he doesn’t make it?” I babbled

“Dani, if you made it, he’ll make it. And he’s got you. He’ll be fine.” Zayn declared

“Bu-bu-“ I said before Zayn cut me off

“No buts, he WILL make it. Just keep tell yourself that.” Zayn said

“Ok” I nodded

We finally got to the hospital. Zayn carried Niall in.

“Doctor, we need a doctor!!’ I shouted

“Right here!! There’s a room over her, put him on the bed in here!!” The nurse yelled and showed us to a room.

Zayn put Niall on the bed, and the doctors and nurses came rushing in.

“Sir, you and your friend need to leave.” He told Zayn

“Ok.” Zayn grabbed my hand and dragged me out as I protested.

I didn’t want to leave him, there alone.

He left you alone.

Yeah, but he was in denial.

Doesn’t matter it’s all the same, either way.

Just shut up and go away.

“What if he doesn’t make it, Zayn?” I cry

“He will, I promise.” Zayn said but his voice came out hoarse.

I looked up at Zayn, and he had tears falling down his cheeks.

“Please, don’t cry, Zayn.” I whispered as I wiped his tears away.

“You know, if you’re going to convince me that he’s going to be ok, you can’t cry.” I told him

He laughed dryly

“He’ll be ok, trust me.” He promised

“I’ll try and believe that.” I giggled

“Hey, I need to do something before Niall wakes up. Come with me.” Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled my up off the cold hospital floor.

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