My Life

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Here is the first chapter, I hope you enjoy this and continue read as it progresses. Try to ignore the grammar mistakes. If you really like the chapter vote and comment! <3


Levi Pov

The raven haired teen wakes up to the annoying sound of his uncle yelling at him to get up. Levi sighs and gets up from his comfortable bed that takes him away from the world and his worries. He grabs his clothes and heads to the bathroom for a quick shower. He takes off his pajamas except for his long sleeved shirt, he feels a pang of guilt in his chest. He turns on the shower waiting for the water to warm up, while stares at his clothed arms wondering how he will be able to feel normal. Without realizing how much time goes by as he zones out, until he hears loud knocking on the door. "Levi! C'mon I have work and you have school! hurry it up kid!" His guardian haulers. Levi quickly takes off the shirt and steps in the water. He washes body and hair. Turning off the water and drying up he sees them. Lines littered his arms in different sizes and lengths. They haunt him, but they also comfort him. He hides them once again with his long sleeved shirt.

~Time Skip~

Levi walks up to a large group of friends. A girl with glasses notices his arrive and runs up and picks him up. "Zoe! Put me down! NOW!" "Oh shush, and let a friend enjoy another friend!" Hanji cackles making Levi grunt at the brunette. Everyone else was watching the chaos between the two, enjoying their banter. Erwin Smith stepped in to help the small, grumpy male. "Thank you Erwin, I was too close to a psycho..." Levi huffed glaring at Hanji. "Levi you know that look never works on me! To me you're a sulky pup!" "Okay, let's stop this. It is too early for this." Erwin sighed. All the Juniors and Seniors chatted with each other until the bell rang for classes to begin.

Levi, and his two friends, Mike and Hanji, head to their math class. "Ugh! Why can't we start break early! We finished state testing last week!" She howled. "Adults just want to see students suffer...I would take advantage of teenagers if I was paid basically minimum wage." Mike huffed in agreement with Levi. "Thank God it's Friday!" She cheered. They walked into class and immediately sat in their seats. Levi took out a packet of sanitation wipes, and wiping his desk. Hanji rolled her eyes' "Why do you always have to sanitize things?" Levi shook his head, "Schools are one of the dirtiest places on Earth. I want to stay healthy and not touch something that has been touched by a dirty person." All the students were talking amongst themselves waiting for the second bell to have all classes start. "Let's see if she'll be on time." Mike announced, causing Hanji and Levi to chuckle.

~Time Skip~

The friends finished the day having fun and being merry. They joke, talk, and laugh with each other. The group had the same last class of the day together. All the students were lounging around, since the class finished the quiz early. Mike and Erwin were talking about the latest football scores of the week. Nanaba and Farlan were laughing at Isabel and Hanji arguing about God knows what. With the rest (Levi, Petra, Oluo, and Moblit) having small conversations with each other. Everything had ended with the screeching of the bell. They all rushed out heading home and saying bye until next week.

Levi walked out looking for a busted up, maroon pick up truck in the packing lot. A sharp honk grabbed his attention to the truck he was searching for. He walked over to it and climbed into the truck. He was given a cup of cold iced tea. Levi looked weary at his uncle. Kenny sighed, "I wiped it down while I was waiting for you, ya germ freak." Levi turned up his lips the slightest looking at his uncle. "How was school? Any new crazy ideas from Hanji?" He chuckled at the comment with the adult laughing as well. "No, thank God. Everything was...Okay I guess." He let his face going to its natural non-emotional expression. "Levi....I'm worried about you. I know you don't like expressing yourself, or share important things with me, but I want you to know that I'm here to keep you in check, and support my favorite brat.." Kenny explained to the ravened teen. He ruffed his hair. "ACK! Hey!" Levi pouted as he tried to fix his hair, letting out a gleeful sigh. The two males smiled on their way home.

~Time Skip~

"Levi! Dinner's ready!" "I'm coming!" He threw his phone on the bed and went down stairs to the dinning room. He got a small sparkle in his eyes seeing stir fry on his plate. After washing their hands, they sat down at the table eating, while making small talk. "Are ya making plans for Fall break?" Levi shook his head, "We don't have anything planned, probably do stuff whenever it comes up...I know Mike and Nanaba are going to spend a weekend together since their anniversary is over break." Kenny chuckled, "I'm surprised they are the only couple, but who knows? Things can always change." "What are trying to say?" Levi challenged with a raised brow. "Well, most relationships start as friendships...And you are completely oblivious to Petra." Levi clicked his tongue, "She is my FRIEND. Nothing more nothing less. I also have no interest in dating during school, it will be too much of a distraction.....What?" He looked up to be met with Kenny's smirk. "Is it possible you just don't want to admit your feelings for her...,or maybe over a large eyebrowed blonde?" Levi choked on his food, giving him a coughing fit. "There is no way in this God forsaken planet I would date Erwin!" Kenny shrugged. I can't believe he thinks I'm gay...worse that I have crush on Erwin. After dinner they cleaned up the kitchen the time was eight o'clock. Levi quickly showered then heading to his room, until Kenny had called out to him. "Goodnight Levi. Love ya." He entered his room. "Night...Love you too." The last part he said to himself. Putting away his dirty clothes and towel, plugging his phone on top of the dresser, and turning off his desk light. Levi laid down staring at the ceiling, despite being exhausted he could not allow himself to close his eyes. Levi grabbed a book from his nightstand, reading to pass the time.

He read till he heard loud snoring across the hall, to Kenny's room. He sprung out of bed with a fist tightly clasped around an item, carefully walked down stairs to a small room that belonged to someone so dear to him."Mother...." Several years ago Kuchel Ackerman had died of breast cancer. This devasted the Ackermans, and Levi's life took a turn for the worst. He became depressed, gained suicidal, and was caught trying to self harm a couple of times. He always needed to be watched over by someone in case of self harm. He had received therapy and for a while he was put on medication to stabilize his emotions, yet Levi never felt like he was getting help. He felt as though they were trying to only keep him stable enough for others but not himself.

Mom....I'm so sorry. We didn't know. If only we had found out sooner....You might still be alive. He entered the bathroom. I probably could have saved you...But I didn't.

SELF HARM WARNING/TRIGGER (The chapter can end here, only proceed if comfortable)

He grabbed his pocket knife and entered the shower. He rolled up his sleeves, gazing at his slashed arms. Mama......I miss you. I want you back. Why couldn't it have been me? He sobbed violently, but it he tried hard to keep the noise at whisper. As not to disturb his uncle or perhaps the silence of his mother's vacant room. He pushed the blade on to an unmarked area of skin, slowly drew it across seeing a small line of red appear. "Mom. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I promise I'm sorry." He repeated over and over. He stood up and walked to the sink washing out the new cut. He grabbed the med kit and started to bandage it. He pulled down his sleeves with final sniffles, heading up stairs to bed. Once his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.

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