Best birthday ever (Orchid x Otis)

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It was a normal day in Odd Squad...well as normal as it can get.

Everyone was solving cases like they usually did.

Orchid was in her desk, trying to finish her paperwork but she found herself getting lost into daydreams. Recently, it's started becoming a more noticeable thing. This was definitely not left unnoticed by her partner Ohlm.

"Orchid?" Ohlm tried to get his partner's attention by waving a hand in front of her.

"Orchid!" Ohlm repeated and clapped his hands together, that managed to startle Orchid back to reality.

"What is it Sherman?" Orchid groaned, snapping out of her thoughts.

"It's just that... this is the second time this happens to you. What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Orchid mumbled.

Truth was that Orchid couldn't seem to stop thinking about Otis. She didn't know why, but ever since Otis has helped her and Ohlm stay at Odd Squad, she enjoyed reliving her memories with the blonde.

That included her older memories as well, like the time she pranked Otis with the glitter jar. The time they worked together to film the Odd Squad commercial. The time she shoved a finger at his lips when he insisted on helping them.

Those soft.. lips.

Did I just call his lips soft? Gross.

She looks down at her paperwork, trying to push her thoughts away from the blonde.
But no matter how hard she tried to push them away, they always managed to crawl their way back, and sometimes she didn't even realize it. She didn't realize that sometimes she'd be so lost in her thoughts that she'd forget about her physical world.

"Are you sure?" Ohlm asked Orchid, but before Orchid could respond Ms O barged in.

"Agents, I have a case for you." Ms O had them follow her upstairs.

"Well?" Ohlm asked Orchid as they followed close behind, not forgetting what he asked.

"Yep. Now come on Sherman we gotta case to solve." Orchid said to the other brunette, deciding that solving cases might help her take her mind off of Otis. She grabbed Ohlm's sleeve as they zoomed up the stairs with Ms O.

She and Ohlm had to solve the next place Jamie Jam would hit and stop her before she could jam one of the neighborhoods.

As Ohlm and Orchid rushed downstairs to go to the tube room, she bumped into Otis, who was reading the newspaper and not watching where he was going.

"Oof!" Orchid exclaimed as she and Otis collided, sending each other straight to the floor.

"Orchid! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" asked a concerned Otis, standing up and offering his hand to Orchid.

"I'm fine, obviously.. I'm Orchid." Orchid sassed, rejecting his help and she stood up on her own.

She turned her back at him and walked away.

"C'mon Sherman." Orchid told Ohlm.

As they walked away, Otis looked at Orchid in confusion. He couldn't help be feel like she almost seemed to be purposely avoid him.

"Did I do something wrong?" Otis wondered.

"Why were you so mean to Otis?" Ohlm asked while they were searching for Jamie Jam.

"I didn't need help."

"But you didn't need to snap at him that way." Ohlm commented, honestly confused at Orchid's unnecessarily rudeness towards Otis. 

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