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            "Sophie you know I hate your kpop shit right?" I whined into the phone. My childish movements  were so profound I dropped the bottle of pink nail polish I had been using. I watched as it seeped onto my pillow. Now even more annoyed at everything that was going on around me.

           "Yeah, but my cousin cancelled and I have an extra ticket.." Sophie pleaded with me. 

          "Just go with your mom or something," I replied, screwing the lid back on the polish bottle. I did not want to go. I'd rather sit around than meet some Korean boys I don't care about. She could go alone, and she knew it. 

           "Um..NO, I'm 19 and I'd rather not be escorted by my MOM in front of PARK FUCKING JIMIN!" She yelled into the phone and I pulled it away from my ear. Why so dramatic over some boy group? I didn't care how much she wanted me to go, it would just be waste of my time. Sophie was my best friend though, and like I loved her but..

          "Please (insert your name), it would make me really happy," She pestered me. I thought of all the times Sophie had dropped what she was doing to help me and all the suprise parties and random little gifts just for being friends. 

         "Fine, but know that I am not happy going into this, and your Bangtan whatever's are gonna notice," I knew that I would have to try to look at least a little happy at the event as to not be rude.  I don't support the group but at least I'm respectful

          "OMG YAY, THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN," I could practically see her throwing her photo cards in the air and jumping on her bed. I almost felt a little excited, not because I cared about her people, but because I would be going to New York with my bestie for a week. At least 6 days not wasted.

         "Remind me again why we're staying for a week?" I had to scream to get her to realize I was still on the line.

        "Well duh! To see them off at the airport the last day. And the concert the day before that." Her voice got higher the more she spoke about it. I groaned N.O.T.F.U.N 

        "I'll come pick you up at 9 tomorrow, be prepared it's a 6 hour drive,BYEEEEEE," She was gone before I could comment. Ugh. Only 4 days not wasted. 

         I cleaned up the pink mess I had made earlier and opened my closet door. I knew specifically what I would do. Dress like a sexy beast the 4 days we wouldn't see BTS and wear hoodies and converse the days we did. Just to piss off Sophie. I packed all my stuff into a small blue suitcase and turned of the lights. I grabbed my phone and got under the covers. 

         I decided that doing some research up on these fools would be my best bet. "B-T-S," I spoke aloud as I typed in the group name. 7 dudes came up. Jungkook. Jimin. Jhope. V. Jin. Suga(the hell is a suga) and Rap-Monster. I literally laughed about that for 7 minuets. Rap Monster. Wow. I had to admit though. They weren't ugly. Like at all. At all. I looked at pics of that V guy for like three hours, but it wasn't enough to get me to care. So what? They were hot? Thousands of other hot people out there. When I looked at the time it was 3 am. I didn't really care about going to sleep. I could sleep during the drive.

          I went downstairs, careful not to wake up my parents or little sister. The tv was on even though I thought everyone had gone to sleep. In front of the tv was my little sister Marley, she looked like she hadn't slept in days. I sat next to her.

       "What's wrong loser," I threw a cushion at her. She looked at me like I was an idiot and I realized that she might actually be unhappy. Sitting down next to her I asked her what was wrong. 

     "Boys suck," she said wrapping her hands around her knees. Marley had just started high school and I could feel the tension around her when she came home from school. "Is that why you don't have a boyfriend?" Her question took me by suprise. It kind of hurt coming from her. Yeah I was single but it wasn't my issue. It was hers. And my job as her older sister was just to cheer her up.

       "Did you ask Jordan to the Sadie Hawkins dance?" If she had failed it would my fault. I was the one who had told her to do it. She nodded.

       "Yay or Nay?" She looked up at me and shook her head. I felt bad. I shouldn't have just told her to run into the situation unplanned. I didn't have experience with boys and I shouldn't have pretended that I did. 

     "Fuck Jordan Powers, your probably gonna marry some hot international model," I ruffled her hair and she cracked a smile. 

      "Actually no your probably going to, your so pretty anyway," she said pulling my hair into a ponytail. I hugged her she was the best sister.

      "Or one of Sophie's Asian dudes," Marley spoke. I hiccuped. I don't know why. Thinking about that made me nervous. I  felt like there was rock in my throat. I swallowed.

     "I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I won't be back for a week Mar-Bear," I said comb8ng my fingers through her hair as she loosely focused on the price is right. "To actually go meet some of  "Sophie's Asian dudes."

    "Cool.I'll miss you, but you don't really wanna go right," Marley knew me the best out of everyone in my whole family. I nodded. 

   "Well  maybe something crazy will happen," She said standing up and stalking back up the stairs. I sat alone in the living room and it felt empty. The curtains flew in the window to my right. I sat on the window seat and opened the window. It was cold but in a good way. The stars looked like a thousand little pinpricks in the sky. I went mush. Maybe someone a thousand miles away was looking at the stars too.

     After a while I rested my head against the window sill and felt my self drift away.


                                                                          Meanwhile in New York City

       It as quiet in Room 324 at the New York Ritz-Carlton Hotel. 6 chests went up and down as they sunk into dreams. But one person was restless. Too excited for what was to come. He felt like something weird was gonna happen the next day and it was going to affect him a lot.

      That one person went out to the balcony and leaned against the railing. The stars shone like a million little pinpricks. And for a second. Just a millisecond. He went mush. Maybe someone a thousand miles away was looking at the stars too.      .

      After a while he went to sleep. Tomorrow was busy. 

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