Chapter 4

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🌟Lucy's P.O.V.🌟

We ran outside of my apartments and I see lights shooting out from the forest.

"Come on! We have to find out of its really them!!" Mia says.

"Right!" We began to head for the lights but as we got closer, the magic energy got stronger....

~Time Skip-In the forest~

We finally reached the forest and we saw them. The members of Tartarous we attacking random trees.

"Well look who finally decided to come to our little party!"

We looked behind us only to be blasted out of our hiding spots. When I looked up I saw Jackal laughing. I felt rage fill inside of me because he's the reason why Aquarius is gone....

"You'll pay for everything you've done to my comrades!" I began to attack him, while Mia took care of the rest...

🔥Meanwhile at Fairy Tail-Natsu's P.O.V.🔥

"Gray! Put your clothes back on. You idiot!"

"Oi! Shut up flame brain!"

"You wanna fight Stripper?!" I set my arm on fire but Erza smashed out heads together.

"Are you two fighting again?!" She shouted as she began to glare at us.

"N-No!" We said in unison as we hugged each other. I heard a large blast coming from outside but it sounded like it was far away.

"Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Erza asked.

"Just listen." We heard the explosion again but it was louder this time. Me, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Happy, and Carla went to the foresf to find out what the cause was. When we reached the forest I saw Luce and someone in a cloak fighting the Tartaros members. I could see rage and hatred in Luce's eyes. Whatever happened last time wasn't good from what I could tell. But we were all surprised when we heard what Luce shouted...

-Lucy's P.O.V.-

"Celestial Dragon Roar!!" I shouted as it striked him. He began to scream in agony. The roar was dark but it was filled with sharp stars and mini planets, which was kinda weird. Jackal began to get up again. I guess he's up for the pain.....

"Hehe....I see you've found your true powers, but why not attack the others? Oh yeah. Is it because of-"

"Shut up!! You have no right to say her name!!!"

"Who cares about her? She never cared about y-"

"Poison Dragon Iron Fist!!" I punched him in the face and kicked him in the guts. He fell on the floor and disappeared. When I looked at Mia she was already finished with the rest and she seemed to be lost in her thoughts. I felt something on my face....tears....tears were rolling down my face.

"Lets go Lulu. We have to leave early in the morning rememeber?"

"Yeah.....I know..." We began to head back. Little did we know that people from a certain guild watched us.

-Natsu's P.O.V.-

We watched everything that happened. From Lucy and the other girl to them defeating Tartaros by themselves! I know I met the other girl somewhere....but where?....Nah! I probably never seen her before. I could see that everyone is just as shocked as I am. a dragon slayer....

-Lucy's P.O.V.-

We made it to my house and I wasn't really tired much, but I still have to sleep since tomorrow is the day we go to the council meeting. We run to my room and I went to take a shower. Once I got out I noticed that Mia hasn't taken her cloak off yet and she isn't sleeping.

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