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Your POV

You sighed as the Falling in Reverse stream ended. Ronnie was being ridiculous again. You opened up the twitter app.

@(your twitter user): why do I idolize bands again?

You sent out the tweet before scrolling through your feed. Once finished, you switched to Instagram. Your stomach grumbled as you liked a photo. Frowning, you stood up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing food; returning to the couch with your arms full. Dropping all of the food onto the seat next to you, you sat down and picked the electronic, resting on the armrest. Lazily, you unlocked your phone, noticing a twitter notification.

You clicked on the notification and waited as it loaded. It opened up to a tweet from Ricky Horror. You read the tweet before scrolling up confused.

@rickyxhorror: I don't know. Band members are weird.

Your eyes widened as you read one line over and over again.

in reply to @(your twitter user) 

The phone slipped from your shaking hands. HOW THE FUCK DID HE FIND MY TWEET? The thought raced through your head. You didn't tag him or anything. You picked the phone back up and started typing a reply.

In reply to    @rickyxhorror: You're calling yourself weird...

You replied thinking that he wouldnt see it or respond. But once again, WRONG.

@rickyxhorror: yeah...

You laughed and set down your phone. This has been one interesting day.

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