Asking pt. 1

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Casey's pov still
When we got home my mom and dad wanted to know the boys and Christina a little more so they came over for dinner.

"So tell me your names,age,and what yall do for a living" my mom asked

"Ok im Daniel Seavey, im Jonah Marais,im Zach Herron, im Corbyn Besson,and im Jack Avery and we are WHY DONT WE" they said

"So what do you do for a living" my dad asked

"What we do for a living is sing" Zach said

"And i didn't quite get your name sweetheart?" my mom asked

"Oh my name is Christina Maire and im Corbyn's girlfriend" Christina said

"Thats a beautiful name" my mom said

"Thank you" Christina said

"Welcome" my mom said before getting out plates off the table. The boys and Christina went home and tomorrow we are going out to the grove to go shopping except for Jack.  I dont know why he's not coming he said that he has to take care of something but i let it slide.

Next day
Casey's pov still
So today we are going to the grove and we found out that Jack will meet us at Rue21 later. I wanted to wear something cute so i put on this

 I wanted to wear something cute so i put on this

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Casey's outfit

I told Kylee to come on so we can go to the boys house

"Kylee lets go you are literary taking forever" i said

"Hold on im trying to look cute for Daniel" she said

"Are you fucking kidding me lets go you'll be fine" i said pissed off

Finally out of her room, we was about to make our way out the door when we got stopped by my dad

"And where the fuck do you think your going" he asked

"Im going to go to the grove with my friends" i snapped back

"Ok but i dont want you to be around that Jack guy i dont like him"my dad said mad that im going out with him and his friends

"Omg dad calm down every boy i meet you dont want me to hang around"

"Sweetie you and Kylee go have some fun with your new friends, i'll take care of your father" my mom said walking into the room

"Thanks mom" i said

"No problem" she mouthed not trying to say in front of my dad

As we left the house we made our way across the street to be greeted by Jonah, that was already outside

"Hey guys we were all waiting on you, we thought tou wasn't coming" he said

"Hey Jonah and yeah we was but we got stopped by my over protective dad" i said

Laughing we made our way in the house and we all greeted each other and all that and made our way to tge grove without jack

Jack's pov:
As i watched them pull out of the drive way and down the road i made my way across the street to Casey's house to ask her parents if i can date her. I rung the doorbell to be greeted by her dad who slammed the door in facw once he saw me. As i rung the doorbell again her mom answered the door this time.

"Hi, Jack right" she said

"Yes" i said back

"How can i help"you she said opening the door wider for me to enter the house. I have to say the have a nice house.

"I just came to ask you if i can go out with your daughter, i promise that i wont hurt her let anything happen to her" i said

"Of cor-" she was about to say only to be stopped by her husband

"Of course not" he said. "I do not like you and i dont want you to be with my daughter of any chance" he added

"Oh Chris now calm down you are always over protective about your daughter, he seems like a good boy that would take care of her" the mom said

"Ok, but if you hurt my babies heart i promise you will not see a tomorrow" he said as of he was wanting to kill me

"I promise, sir" i said as if i was going to hurt the one person that i hope to be mine

Hello angles i hope you like this chapter. Should there be drama in this book.

I dont really care theres going to be drama anyway so whats the point in asking.

My mom is so nosie i was about to finsh this and she read some of it an she said "what are u doing can you wtite about people" im like girl mind your own business please and thank you

But i hope you like this and all that jazz



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