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Book: Locked Away
Chapter 5: Under Control
Word Count: 4789

Book: Locked AwayChapter 5: Under ControlWord Count: 4789

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Xander didn't know he could feel this much pain. How could Damon have thrown everything they had away for a girl? For Katherine Pierce?  He thought Damon loved him.

The guy he was completely in love with, didn't love him anymore. There was no explanation as to why Damon had left him. Every time Xander tried to talk to him, Damon would leave and go back to Katherine.

Xander was tossing and turning. Memories of him and Damon coming to mind. The happy ones not the sad ones. They had so many plans together. To run away and live happily ever after. He should of known not to get his hopes up. It was to good to be true. He just thought Damon would keep his word. That their love would prevail like in fairy tales.

Xander's eyes snapped open when he felt a gush of wind. He sat up and looked towards his window, noticing it was open. He could have sworn he had closed it. He stood up and walked over to it, reaching up to close it when something caught his eyes. A figure standing off in the distance. It looked like a girl and she was hurt.

He was quick with getting his coat and running down the stairs and through the front door. He had to go make sure that girl was okay or if she needed any assistance. He didn't see her when he first left the house but the closer he got to the woods and further away from his house, the clearer the figure was. "Miss? Are you okay?"

The girl slowly turned around, her brunette hair cascading down her back and a smirk on her face. Katherine. Before he could say anything, Katherine was speeding over to him, wrapping her hands around his neck with a strong hold. She was to strong. "What is it about you that makes my compulsion on Damon so weak?"

Xander didn't know what she was saying. He could only focus on his chest tightening and his throat burning from lack of air.

She squeezed tighter, bringing him to his knees. "Not to worry though. I won't have to worry about you much longer." Her face shifted, into one that looked like a demon and she launched forward, her fangs breaking the skin of his neck, blood gushing out.

It all happened so quickly. Xander's heart slowed down and his vision was turning black.

Katherine was happy with her work, believing he was dead before speeding away but Xander wasn't dead. He was close but his heart still had a faint heartbeat.

Anna had found him, her heart breaking at the sight and shoving her blood down his throat, hoping she wasn't to late. She saved his life that night and compelled him to forget what happened, not knowing that Katherine would return when she found out he wasn't dead and finish the job, not realising that vampire blood was in his system.

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Xander had been extremely worried about the younger Salvatore since he had seen him drinking human blood. Xander had been gone for over one hundred years, so he hadn't seen much of Stefan as a vampire but by what Damon had told him, Stefan and human blood didn't mix well together.

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