"What about our Promise?"

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Hey guys so this is my second story and I will admit I am a terrible writer I know but I still like making stories and adding little heartfelt things ya know -_- anyway on with my story.

Natsu's POV

Two years... That's how long she's been gone.No one knows where she is or if,she's ok.Lately I haven't even been myself. Neither has Fairy Tail, it's like once she left so did all of our happiness.But I feel different.. Like some part of me has been ripped away and stomped on!I miss her.....
"I miss Aaliyah." I whisper softly.

{Across the guild}

"It's been months,and he hasn't ate a single thing." Lucy says while staring at Natsu.
"Can you blame him, he just lost something he can't ever get back." Gajeel says irritated."
"Poor Natsu, it's been this long and he can't seem to move on!" Levy says walking up to Gajeel.
"I say Flame Brain get over it she's gone!...everyone's moved-" Gray gets cut off by Erza pushing him a little to hard into the wall.
"Enough Gray, that was a comrade you were talking about show some respect!" Erza's fists clench harder making her knuckles turn white.

Normal POV
Soon the rest of the guild start to look at Natsu.They all knew Natsu was the one who took the biggest hit on Aaliyah's death.How could you move on when the one your mean't to be with is dead?Some people even tried to Comfort Natsu but all he did was walk away or ignore them.Lucy let's out a small sign and picks up the plate in front of her. She then walks over to Natsu's table.

"Hey Natsu?" Lucy lays the plate in front of him with a smile.
"Well I'm sure you don't want to talk but, it's been a while since you last-" Lucy was cut of by Natsu standing up.
"Thanks but I'm not hungry!" Natsu mumbles before walking off.Lucy follows behind him till there both outside the big wooden doors.She grabs his wrist but he quickly pulls away from her touch.

"Natsu stop!.. Why are you trying to push me out... Why are you trying to push the guild out?" Lucy says with a worried face.
"She's not coming back is she?" Natsu mumbles while lifting his head up to the sky.
"Honestly... It's been two years, I don't think she's coming back." Lucy looks up at Natsu to see tears falling down his cheek.
"Is it bad.?" Natsu says looking at Lucy.
"Is what bad?" Lucy's turns to look at Natsu's puffy eyes.
"That I can't let her go?" Natsu grabs onto his scarf and looks back up to the sky.
"Natsu?" Lucy crosses her arms.
"Natsu look at me!"Lucy says in a demanding voice.She then grabs Natsu by his shoulders and pulls him down.
"You listen to me you dense pink headed weirdo,That was your MATE! Your FRIEND!,Your PARTNER!, So don't EVER ask me if it's bad that you can't let her go.Because you lost someone you need and love." Lucy embraces Natsu into a hug.He signs and hugs her back.
"What about our promise?" Natsu whispers.


"Mirrrraaaaa!" Aaliyah and Natsu scream In usion.Both tumbling in through the guild doors.
"Hey guys what's up?" Mira says surprised.
"Mira please tell Natsu that I'm a big girl,and that I can go on a mission by Myself!" Aaliyah sticks her tongue out at Natsu.
"Mira tell Aaliyah I need to be with her ay, all times!" Natsu crosses his arms before plucking Aaliyah's nose.
Mira let's out a little giggle.
"She's right Natsu Aaliyah's old enough to go out by herself!"Mira States before handing Aaliyah her mission.
"Thanks Mira!" Aaliyah says before running out the guild doors.

Hey wait up!" Natsu screams before running after Aaliyah.
"Ahh those two... I ship it!" Mira shakes her head before walking away.


Natsu's POV

I layed on Aaliyah's bed and watched her pack her bag. I'm sad that Aaliyah didn't want me to go with her.I mean we always went on missions together.But for some reason she's been acting different lately. Always wanting to be alone. Im not sure why I feel like she's hiding something from me. But this is Aaliyah we're talking about she would never hide things from me.I picked up one of her bras and slinked it at her.

"Natsu!.. I'm trying to pack not get unpacked!" She says while hitting me with a pillow.
"Haha oh come on its fun!" I say while reaching for another one.
"Touch it and your a dead man!" Aaliyah's tone sounds serious but not for long before we burst out in laughter.
"So when are you coming back?" I ask her curiously.
"I'm not sure Mira said it was only two days!" Aaliyah looks up at me and smiles. 'God I love her smile' wait what am I thinking I feel my face start to heat up.
"So what am I going to do for two days... Alone...?" I whine.
"Oh stop being a baby!" She says while rolling her eyes.
"Can u make me a promise?" I say before jumping off the bed and grabbing her wrists.
"Su-sure?" She smiles.
"Promise me.... Your gonna come back ok?" I squeeze her wrists.
"Of course I wouldn't want to leave my best friend!" I watch as Aaliyah's brown eyes glow.
"Then please be safe....and don't forget you have a guild waiting for you when you come back!" I lay my forehead onto hers.
"How could I forget!" I feel her heart beat speed up as she puts her arms around my stomach.Four years ago when me and Ice princess were fighting I accidently punched Aaliyah and well let's just say she didn't take that well ever since that day I knew me and her were gonna be with each other forever. I don't know why but I feel connected to her.
"Ok well I should get going, or I'll miss my train!" She says before letting go of me and grabbing her bag. As we walk to the train station I rest my arm on her shoulders.As we finally reach the station she looks at me and smiles.
"I'll be back, I promise!" She says before smiling.
"You better" I say before seeing her walk away to the train.
But little did I know that would have been our last words, our last hug,the last touch I would have from her!
               END OF FLASHBACK

"Go home and make sure you eat!"Lucy says while hitting Natsu on the head.
"Owe that hurt!" I whine,grabbing my head.


Lucy gives me another hug before she opens the guild doors.I feel the wind brush through my spiked pink hair.I can't say that I'm not disappointed Aaliyah didn't keep our promise.Who would have thought two days would turn into two years without her being in my life.As I walk through the forest I had the feeling something was watching me.I speed up my walking till I finally reach my house.I walk through the door to be greeted by my blue exceed Happy.
"Natsuuuu...Where have you been?"Happy asks before landing on my head.
"Sorry lil buddy, I was just at the guild." I flash my signature grin before walking to the kitchen.
"Hey Natsu can I ask you something?" The blue cats says stuffing a fish in his mouth.
"What's up?" I reply while opening my fridge.
"Why do you still go to the guild...if she's not there?" Happy stares at his half eaten fish.Honestly I wish I knew to...its not like I really go on jobs anymore or go there to eat..... I can't even remember the last time I even argued with that popsicle Gray."well I like to remember the memories of her."I say closing the fridge.
"Well I say-!" Happy was cut off by a knock on the window.I walk to the window to see nothing there.As I turn around to look at Happy he was staring at me.
"What's wrong Happy?" I look at him in confusion.
"Na-natsu?." Happy's eyes widen.
I turn around to see a black fox staring right at me.It was about Happy's size. I engulf one of my fists in flames.I watch as the fox lunges at me... But it stops.
"NATSU!" The fox says before leaping onto my chest.
"It's you!.... It's really you....and Happy!" The fox says before jumping on Happy.
"Who are you?" I ask looking at the small animal.
"Yeah​ I thought so...I kinda guessed by your first reaction you wouldn't have remembered me." The Fox says sheepishly before looking down.But somethings different it smells... Familiar.... He almost smells like..... Aaliyah.
"It's me Spade!" The little black Fox looks at me with sadness in his eyes.I just stare at the animal.Spade Aaliyah's exceed...How did I not notice him.So many thoughts we're going through my mind. But I just had one question I was dying to ask.

"Where's Aaliyah?!?!"


I hope you guys like my story so far like I said before I'm not very good at writing stories so.... But anyway.... Where's Aaliyah?.... What happened two years ago?.... Is she still Alive?... Find out on the next chapter of Caught By His Flames....

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