Fever part 2

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"Yes, I want a change of clothes" I said then kana-nii looked at me like I was crazy

"Imouto...when you said you tend to be clingy and have a different personality than usual, I didn't except it to be like this" he said while his face still red

"Well...I only want you to bring it to me not help me change into it, now, where's my change of clothes"
I said impatiently like a child

"O-oh yes ,what do you wanna wear?" He said looking in my closet

"Not much, I want a t-shirt ,short and underwear, I haven't change my clothes in two days and I still have no energy to bathe" I said

He looked at me with a red face but gave me the clothes anyway, I was about to change but noticed kana-nii isn't leaving

"You not leavin' ?"I ask as he shakes his head

"Fine we'll do this the hard way" I said as I was about to fool him

I slightly lift up my shirt,and saw his eager face,but suddenly put it back then called kyo-nii

"Kyo-nii!,Kyo-nii!, I want to change clothes but Kana-nii said he won't go out!" I said then his face sweatdropped

Suddenly Kyo-nii came slamming the door open, "Kaname!!" He said hitting him with a frying pan

"Ouch!, Ukyo-nii that hurts!" Kana-nii said while being pulled by his shirt collar by kyo-nii

When they went out, I changed clothes, and pull the blankets to cover me, then someone opened the door

"Raven ,your favorite brother is here to nurse you back to health" Tsubaki said entering, then he went to sit on a chai next to the bed, then he kissed my cheek
"it's to make you feel better" he said smirking

"Hey" I said glaring at him

"W-what?" He said nervously and step back a little

"I want a hug"I said still having a serious face

"O-ok" he said as he sweatdropped and hug me, he was enjoying the hug but I pulled away

"Ice cream" I said

"Pardon?" he said looking confused

"I want ice cream"I said having a dark aura form around me
"....Ok...." he said as he got out to buy ice cream

Then Louis came in and asked to braid my hair, I agreed and let him get to work with my hair

After a while, my hair has two braids, he then went out to go to work

I am now bored

"Masa-nii! Masa-nii!" I called him

I then heard thudding of footsteps and my door opened

"Yes?" He said

"I'm bored ,Am I getting better ? I'm bored, I wanna get back to all my work, I'm bored" I told him whining
He sweatdropped and chuckled a bit then He touches my forehead

"Well, you are, a little bit, and if you're bored then come to the living room" he said putting his hand out for me and I accepted it

[Time skip at the living room]

"Hey! Raven just in time, I have ice cream!" Tsubaki said running towards me but froze when I have this dark aura forming around me

I then glared at him straight in the eye

"Really?" I said in a scary tone

"Y-y-ye-yes" he stuttered

"What's the flavor?"I said now looking at the ice cream

"I-it's v-vanilla and cookies and cream" he said

"Good" I said

"Eh?" He said now confused

"Very good, now I want to eat!" I said in my most demanding tone

"Y-y-yes!" He said as he went running to the kitchen to put it on a mug

[A few moments later]

"Yummy" I said wiping my mouth

I know have a jolly mood

"Are you full imouto?"kana-nii ask

"Yes! Onii-chan!" I said while javing a closed eye smile

Oh my lord she is so cute, I wish her fever won't go away most of the brothers thought while having a blush on their fa e

"Yes, but now I wanna take a bath" I said while standing up and going to the bathroom, then I saw wataru,

"Hey, wataru, wanna bathe together?"
I ask wataru

"WHAT?!!"the other shouted while wataru agreed and went to bathe

After bathing my fever cooled down

"That was refreshing" I said

I walk back down to the living room

"I'm feeling better everyone thank you" I said

It's fine that she's ok but I want to see her act like that again
Most of the brothers thought

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