Caught ya!!!

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Gray P.O.V

I was just gonna knock on his door but I thought I'd be a dick head!!!

So I kicked open the door, "Already hooking up with a girl Natsu!!" I yelled smirking.

They both got a fright and jumped, I recognized the girl......

It was Lucy!!!

He hooked up with Lucy!?!?

"Aaaahhhh GRAY!?" Lucy yelled from fright, she was sitting on Natsu lap facing him, Natsu was sitting up and had his hands around her waist.

"What the hell are you doing in here Gray!?" He asked angrily, I chuckled.

"I couldn't find you or Lucy so we were looking for you guys" I replied camly, crossing my arms.

"Well here we are!! Now can you please go away!?" Natsu asked/demanded angrily. I chuckled and started to walk out.

"later love birds!!" I said while closing the door behind me. I walked out and walked into the kitchen. But I was not prepared for what I seen.

Natsu P.O.V

Damn Gray!! I was having fun too!!! I heard Lucy giggle so I looked up at her.

"Well if you were having that much fun then why don't we continue this later??" She wisperd in my ear in a suductive tone.

How the hell did she do that?!

"I can read minds remember??" She giggled. I lloks away and blushed in embarrassment. She patted my head and hopped off me chuckling to herself.

She searched the ground for a moment. Before picking her clothes that were ripped, she turned to me and I laughed nervously.

"Looks like I'll just wear something of yours then!!" She said and walked over to my draws, she opened multiple drawers and pulled out a large top that was even to big for me.

She put it on and buttoned it up, she removed her hair from the collar and picked up her underwear and but them on. I looked at her and had a slight nose bleed.

She noticed me and chuckled, she grabbed some clothes and threw them at me.

"Here!!" She said while chuckling. I started to put my clothes on t'll I noticed she was staring.

"You like what ya see??" I asked smirking, she blushed and looked away. I laughed and put my top on.

We walked out into the kitchen and seen everyone awake, Levy was it?? Had just finished fixing everyone's hangover??

They seen me enter the lounge and smirked. I was curious to see what they were smirking at??

"What??" I asked,  Levy took a sip of whatever she was drinking and smirked.

"Gray told us that you were had fun last night if you catch my drift~" she replied.

I stood there frozen, blushing 50 Shades of Red. Laxus chuckled.

"So how was it??" Laxus asked teasingly, I seen his face and burst ed out with laughter!!!

" YOUR...... FACE!!!" I managed to say between laughter. He looked confused for a second then I handed him a mirror, he froze for a moment then looked pissed.

"Alright who did this!?" He asked angrily, he walked over to me and picked me up by my collar.

"did you fucking do this!?" He yelled angrily. I shook with fear, fuck he's gonna kill me!! He was about to punch me but something stopped him.

I opened my eyes and seen Lucy holding his fist with ease, but she..... looked...... pissed....

"Try to punch him again!! And I will gut you like a fish!! Got it!?" She said annoyed, giving him a death glare.

He shook his head visously, Lucy calmed down and sat down at a free stool.

"Morning guys!!" She greeted the others, they looked a little scared for a moment but then shook it off.

"Morning Lu-chan!!" Levy greeted her, handing both of us some coffee. We thanked and we all started discussing what to do today.

"Why not the mall??"

"Nah we went there yesterday"

"The beach??"

"Not today!!"

"Guys what about-!!!" Lucy was about to suggest something but she was cut off by her phone.

"Hello??..... oh hey Erza...... what??...... you did?!...... how many...... that fucking much?!...... OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!!........ I'll see you in an hour or two!!!..... bye!!" Lucy ended the call and looked super excited.

"What happened??" Levy asked, Lucy started jumping up and down.

"Erza just got FREED tickets to thee Magnolia Hot Springs!!" Lucy replied, Gajeel spat out his drink from shock.

"Thee Magnolian Hot Springs!!!" He said.

"But it's impossible and really expensive to even buy one, let alone get free tickets!!" He continued, Lucy smiled a cat smile and stars appeared in her eyes.

"Not for Erza, you see, her Grandparents own and run the place, so when Erza gets 100% and an A+ on tests, her grandparents reward her with free tickets!! And she is head of the Student Council and volunteers at the Police station so she gets extra tickets. But she can choose to save up, or use them and she is choosing to use them now!!" Lucy exclaimed happily.

"Wow!! Lucky her!!" Gray said surprised, Lucy nodded.

"So how much tickets does she have any way??" Jellal asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"About 13" Lucy answered camly, "she also said I could invite 7 people!!" She added on.

"So who ya taking??" Sting asked curiously, they all looked at her. She thought for a moment, "you guys" she replied.

"US??" Jellal asked surprised, I looked at Lucy and she nodded at him.

"Yea" she said

"But what about your 'test'?? Won't some get suspicious if you bring us??" I added on.

She thought for a moment then got an idea, "I'll just say you have your own tickets!!" She smirked.

"Good enough I guess??" Levy said, shrugging.

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