RWBY x Salems Son: Enter Beacon Academy

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  ok i decided this is what the reader will wear in the academy

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  ok i decided this is what the reader will wear in the academy

this is gilgamesh from the anime Fate/State night the king of heroes his spacial attack is a spell that summons engless Blades and i will give this to the reader as a second Semblance.I hope you all like this part

Beacon Academy Cafeteria

Rubys POV:
"Oh did you heard already we get new students today i wonder what they look like, what kind of power and weapon they have and if they like cookies" i put a monster cookie in my mouth and eat it.

Yangs POV:
"I hope that in this team will be some hot Boys maybe i can yangbang them hehe"

Weiss POV:
"why are you alwasy so vulgar Yang"

Blake was just eating adn reading the newest Ninja of Love Book. Jaune and cocos team talk with ruby about what the new team will look like.Suddedly the doors to the Cafeteria opend and Four students entered.

Ruby POV:
We saw 4 students entered the cafeteria we neve saw then before that must be the new team. I saw a Sharkfaunus, a Dragonfaunus, a Maid and a super handsome Boy. His (favorite eyecolor) and (favorite haircolor) looke damazing and he was wearing a golden armor.

Kiri POV
After we entered everyone looked at use."What are you looking at never saw a shark before"i shouted and almost everyone turned away from use.

"Kiri dont shout like this i am sure they are just interessted in the new students so be a litle more friendly ok" i walk in frontof my team and bowed to everyone"I am sorry my teammate has a bad day today"After i said this we we got our food and sat on a table and i could her the student next to use talk about me.

Weiss POV
"His way to speak and how he apologized to everyone and his armor he most be some kind of lord or maybe even royal"

Yang POV "Yeah and he is pretty hot i want to munch his Butt":Suddedly ther was a blade on my throat and the Maid stand behind me with a fersome look in her eyes.

Lilith POV
"I would like not to hear how you talk about my master or i need to mae you vanish"

i stood up and walk over to the girls"Lilith stop she was just compliment my Look and it is ok"after i said it Lilith tooked her Blade away bowed to me and sat down on our table."I am sry for my teammate i hope you accept my apologie Miss"

Yang POV
"Oh it is ok and my name is Yang and yours hotstuff"

"Yang stop doing this be serious he can be a Lord or some other high person"

"It is ok my name is Y/N and this is my team, hy everyone come oer hear"My team walked over to use and i intruduced them"This is the second leader of the team Kiri" i pointed to the sharkfaunus"This is Ryora our well the person we need when we are in need of some destruction" i pointed to the Dragonfaunus" and my maid Lilith and she is a ninja too" Lilith bowed to everyone.

Rubys POV
"well i am Ruby rose and this is my team" she pointed to the white haired girl"this is weiss she is my partner and we call her ice queen"

Weiss POV
"DO you really needed to say this you dunce"

Ruby POV
"Ok this is blake and her partner my sister yang"after this i intoduce jaune and the rest of my friends to him, suddendly we hear someone cry.

??? POV
"Hy you freak stay out of my way"

I lokked at a guy and i thought i know him from somewhere but i could not remember.

Ruby POV
"This Guy is cardin winchester he and his team are bulling velvet everyday and nobody barged in to help her"

Kiri and Ryora walked over to cardin and pushed hi against the wall

Cardin POV
"You filthy animals you will pay for this i swear you will pay for this" i tooked out my mace but suddedly a spear pinned my hand on the wall."What the hell who dares to interfere?"

"So i like to throw words around you and bully others how about you try bullying me"

Glynda POV
"Whats going on here someone explain it to me immediately"i shout around and raised my riding crop.

"Well i challenge Cardin and his team to a fight so we just need a place to fight Miss Teacher" i walked over to cardin and pulled my spear out of the wall."So is there a place we can fight to end this little game?"

Glynda POV
I could not believe what i saw a very handsome student anad i could not spear for a few seconds until i collected myself"Well the next lessons is a fighting lesson so you can fight"

She left the cafeteria cardin lokked at the new student and left the cafeteria.

I walked over to the bunnyfaunus and helped her to stand up."Dont worry he wont do this anymore when i am finished with him"i storked her head and left the cafeteria.

Kiri POV
"OK Ryora i bet 20 lien he play with them before he ends it what do you say?"

Ryora POV
I gived her 20 lien and looked at her "i dont like to bet on the way how my husband fights so take your money and lets watch the fight"

Rubys POV
"Wait the he is your husband?"

She did not talked to use and we all walk into the traininghall and saw cardins team and the newguy already in the arena it looks liek he wants to fight alone aganst them.

Cardin POV
"So you want to fight alone against use hahaha you will lose to use you freaklover".Me and my team raised our weapons but the new guy did not draw one."Whats wrong to scard to fight?"

I just looked at them and smiled"MH some like you can never hurt me".Suddedly i saw him and his team atack me i just stood there and they hit me over and over again.Until they were exhausted.

Cardin POV
I could not believe it his aura did not droped one bit"Dammit what are you some kind of robot"

"No i am the one you alwasy bullied as a child until one day i broke your nose because my fist was stronger then your nose"

Cardin POV
After he said this i remembered the day the little loser i alwaysed bullied hit me"You You are the loser from this time when i was a child?"

"Yes but now you are the loser here" after i said this i jumped in the air and begin to use my semblance."Sword of the kings;sword of the conquers, swords of heaven and hell unleash your wrath on my enemy and bring my the victory"Behind me lots of swords came out of nowhere and pointed at cardin and his team

"Take this Cardin this is for all Faunus and humasn you bullied Special attack of the King:
GATE OF BABYLON" i pointed my hand at cardin and his team and all sword attacked them, after the attack was over there aura was gone, there weapons were broken and they had some wounds.I looked at them and began to laugh:
"HAHAHAHAHA you see this you only bully these who dont defend themself but as soon as some comes and fight you, you and your team lay in the dust and believ it or not i hold myself back very much, i could have crushed you like a bug and if you ever bully someone again i end your life do you understand this"he was shaking like crazy and i saw he and his team pissed there pants."Hahahaha you all pissed you pants that is so funny" i jumped to the others who watched the fight.

Rubys POV
We could not believe what we saw just now first he just tooked the damage like it was nothing and then he use such a amazing semblance and tooked them out like nothing.He jumped to use and just smiled at use.Me and everyother girl where blushing his teammate Kiri walked to im and hit his shoulder.

Kiri POV
"Wow Boss you just played with them you hold back so much haha so no serious damage on your first day hahahaha"

Lilith POV
I walked over to my master and asked him"Are you hungry again master or thirsty?"

My stomach began to growl "Oh hahah i could not eat anything before the fight starts so let eat something".My team and me we walked back to the cafeteria to end our meal.

Rubys POV
"Ok serious he is so awesome i wonder how strong his teammates are i cant wait to see them fight, i think not even uncle crow would be a match for him he was so awesome i wonder if he likes cookies". Me and the others walked to the next lesson and i could not wait to see more of his fighting style


Glynda POV
After i put off the video i looked at ozpin, crow and James

James POV
"I cant believe it i thought this semblance i just a legende

Qrow POV
"MH a ferasome power the power to destroy the world"

Ospins POV
I tooked a sip on my coffee and looked at the old book in front of me.
"The king of the old times, the king who destroy and rebuild, the king who opens the gate of heaven and hell, the great king of heroes whose name is forgotten" i stood up and walked to the window"Y/N you are an interesting person

Salems Castle

Salem was on her scroll talking to her son"So you used a lil bit of your power and made them piss her pants hehe i would have loved to see this good work son".

"Thx mom but i think that after this i will attract some attention on me but dont worry the plan is the only think that is important hehehehe".

Bonus end


I hope this is ok and agian sorry when some words are wron i am from germany and my englisch is not the best. Leaf a comment if you whant to see more

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