Pitter Patter

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Pitter patter followed by a soft thump
It isn't the friendly sound that made me jump
but the heart wrenching cry that followed

It came from nearby
and isn't hard to come by during this time 'o year
when the sky is clear and there are people
seeking salvation in the shade, away from the sun's glare

you will hear little voices, steps and cries filling the air
sounding like music to your ears
but not this one
when it's a sound so sad
you'll be mad
that you enjoyed it a second ago

A little girl tripped and fell down
and as the good person you are you turned around
to help

sitting her up against a tree
I wiped clean her face after her knees
turning around to see
and told her

"I'll get your mummy"

The pitter patter sound my feet make on the hard gravel lane
reminds me of the rain
but doesn't slow me down
to catch up with the ma'am who's walking in vain
just a couple steps away

but then another sound met my ear

when I hear a soft thump
It isn't the friendly sound that made me jump
but the heart wrenching cry that followed

and to my own disbelief
the sound isn't from the girl who hit the ground
nor from her mother in front of me
It blurted from my own lips
worded like a cry of agony
though it didn't alert the madam

and that's when I realised

Maybe I'm not who you think I am

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