chapter 3

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I back up out of the closet and when I turn to leave I walk straight into a wall...?

Walls don't sweat...right?

I stumble back a few steps almost falling but not quite. I look up and see a certain 'hunk' in gym shorts and shirtless with a towel draped around his neck. I instantly put my glasses on so I can look at him more clearly and when he raises the towel from his neck to clean the sweat of his face I follow every movement and I think my mouth is open.

"Are you just going to stare at me all day miss copper?". It wasn't a question though and I'm sure he just said it to tease me and I could hear the smirk in his husky voice.

"Uh... Um.... Ummm" with his raised eyebrow I'm temporarily an imbecile.

"Uh...umm I wasn't staring j-just l-looking at the stain on your towel" I try to lie but I doubt he believes me plus there is no stain on his towel. He let's out a deep throaty chuckle and I mentally droll as his muscles flex 'oh dear Lord help me'.

"Yeah no that's what you were looking at 'the stain'" he says still laughing and unbelieving. His laugh sounds like angels singing but seductively. Is that even right?

I know I can't blush because of my skin tone but I still feel heat in my cheeks.
"Do you mind m-moving so I can leave?" I say sheepishly.

"Now why would you want to do that? You just got here." He says taking a few steps towards me and I just stand their dumbstruck.

I have no idea what to do so I tell him honestly why I would love to go right now. "S-spongebob". I say bearly a whisper. Why the hell am I even stuttering.

He steps closer and the close proximity makes my breath hitch and my heart skip a beat. "What was that red?".

The name makes my blood boil. I step closer to him leaving only inches between us, taking of my glasses, adjusting my stance so I Dont look like i'm cowering I glare at him trying to look menacing  even though his is towering a clean foot above me. " you dimwitted obnoxious man now move so I can go home to my boring apartment and watch spongebob." As I say those words I no I'll regret it later but i'm drunk of my rage right now. But I don't miss how he stiffens with amusement or was it shock? and I see something in his usually expressionless grey eyes even though gone within a nano second, in my fit I don't bother to decipher what it was. And with that I hurriedly walk past him and out the glorious doors of his house to Maggi's black car that's parked right around the corner of the fountain that sits in the middle of his large front. Then I get in and speed of not sparing whoever must have been guarding the gate a glace.


I get home and I sit in front of the TV not paying attention to what I see Patrick and spongebob do because my mind continually drifts to what I had just done and I mentally kick myself as I physically face palm myself "Why me?!"


The weekend passes in a blur of me thinking of ways to apologize to him.

"Beep! beep!" my alarm screams at me from beside me on the dim lamp stand I kept it. I moan waking up and hitting the alarm furiously yet sluggishly until it stops to beep and I go back to sleep, then 10 minutes -felt like 5 seconds- later my phone alarm rings and I obviously can't hit it furiously so I blink a lot clearing my mind and taping gently at the screen but it doesn't respond so I get angry and scream a fuck you to my phone but i realise it requires a password then I sign sitting up, I input the password 'Mr.crabs ' -i no its weird but its my password not yours-. I get out of bed heading to the bathroom to do my 'business' I brush my teeth after that and go back into my room to set the bed I grab a black cotton pantie and a deep blue plane bra going back to the bath room to shower thinking I need some new undies maybe some that actually match.

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