Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The small red car pulls up the storefront and parks.

The door opens and two young ladies in their early 20s step out, chatting happily.

"Well Laura, this is it. We are finishing our part of Will's room today." Abby, a 24-year-old American, grins at her 21-year-old German friend.

"I can't wait!", Laura replies, already almost squealing just from thinking about it. "Come on! What do you think he'd like the most?"

With that, she grabs Abby's hand, pulling her along to the first store, one that sells furniture. "I already know what I'm going to buy for him..." She trails off, grinning back at her friend enthusiastically.

Abby laughs. "I can't wait to see it! I'm sure it's going to be something super cute." She winks at Laura as they enter the store.

Abby follows her enthusiastic friend as she mulls over why they are even here, buying supplies to house a dream demon.

Abby and Laura had met years ago on a fanfiction site, and Laura had introduced the older girl to Reverse Falls and Gravity Falls.

After falling for the fandom hard, Abby felt restless and decided to investigate.

After searching long and hard, she discovered that it was real, and that Will Cipher really was stuck in Reverse Falls as the Gleeful twins' slave.

Having been born with magical abilities, she and her friend decided they would summon Will from the alternate universe and give him a real home.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she nearly walked into Laura, who was examining something carefully.

"Sorry." Abby said as she bent closer to see what her friend had found.

Laura has already found what she was looking for: the blanket/pillow section.

With a smile, she turns to look at Abby, pointing to the staple of blankets in front of them. They are fluffy, thick and colorful.

"Here, what do you think about these? I've got one, too, remember the violet one I tend to wrap myself up in winter? I thought he'd love one like it. Imagine: Will wrapped in a fluffy blanket, just his head peeking out..." Her eyes shine as she describes her thoughts, and she's almost bouncing in place.

Not waiting for an answer, she turns around again and pulls a blanket out of the staple, holding it up for her friend to inspect. "This one's perfect, isn't it? Light blue..."

Abby squealed loudly at the thought, clapping her hands over her mouth in a failed attempt to shush herself.

"Peeerfect." The brown-haired girl all but purred, reaching out to stroke the soft, fuzzy blanket. "We should get him a pink one and a yellow one too. I've got a thing for Will and pink." She giggles and turns to find some pillows while Laura chooses the softest blankets.

"I'm worried he'll have a load of allergies, with him not being human and all." She calls over her shoulder to Laura. "So I'm getting the hypoallergenic pillow. And don't you think these decorative heart and flower pillows would go good with it too? I figure sky blue sheets would do the trick as well." As she talked, the athletic girl pulled various items off the shelf.

Then she stopped. "Forget a cart." She grinned at Laura. "And unless I want to give myself away by levitating all this, I'd better go get one. Don't buy out the store while I'm gone." She winked at Laura and dashed off at a swift jog.

Laughing, Laura turns back to the blankets, searching for the best ones.

Abby was right, they shouldn't let anyone see actual magic, but she can't help but think about it. After all, wouldn't it be fun to see all those incredulous looks directed at them?

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