Protecting a Heart

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Chapter 11

I don’t really want to see Ace. Ever again, actually. Its going to be so weird seeing him again…and I don’t know how to deal with it. First of all, he’s a vampire. Something I was grown up to be untrustworthy of, and just kill.

But I guess he’s not 100% vampire. He’s human too. I guess that’s why I’m attracted to him. He’s different; and I like different. But he still drinks blood. And he can’t deny it, no vampire can; they get a thrill. It’s addicting to drink the blood, it’s addicting to kill people. They might regret it later but they’ll never stop. Not if it means death.

So when I hit the bottom of the stairs, the bandage freshly wrapped, I head back to the training area. I just want to continue training; with or without my teammates. I don’t mind training by myself; I could workout or something.

When I get there, I find a surprise. Lexi is here, attempting to throw knives by herself. There’s a bunch on the floor; none hitting the target whatsoever. She looks pretty damn pissed.

“Lexi, do you want me to - ”

“No!” She snaps, turning to me. I pause in walking over to her. Her eyes are red; like she’s been crying. “I don’t need your damn help! I can do this by myself!”

And now she’s making me pissed. “Listen. I know you think you’re all high and mighty, but sometimes, you do need a little help.” I  get closer to her, and when she throws me that nasty glare, I sigh, feeling tired. “Why the hell do you hate me so much?”

She snorts, throwing the knife down beside her. “I don’t hate you. I just really dislike you.” She hurls another knife, but it barely touches the board. “…You’re perfect at everything.”

I feel like snorting. “That’s untrue.”

“It is not. That’s why you’re training us.” She turns to glare at me. “You really think we’ll have a chance against those vampires? You’re wrong. It’s a suicide mission. That’s why I’m not even trying, I already know we don’t stand a chance.”

We stand a chance. You don’t. If you just let me help you, you could see that. If you’re going to keep bitching like you are now I’ll just send you packing. I need a team that’s going to give it their all.”

“You don’t get it, do you?” She says, staring at me like I’m a tiny child. “With only five people, there’s no way to win. The Vinges are an army themselves.”

She’s got a point, a point I wanted to bring up to Ace. “You’re right on that. I was going to ask Ace that.”

“Oh him? Your puppy dog?” She mutters, rolling her eyes.

“Look,” I sigh, rubbing a hand over my face. “I need you here. If you let me help you, and you actually act civil towards me, maybe we’ll have a better chance, okay?”

She stands stiffly for a moment, debating this. “Fine.”

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