Chapter 5

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(Unknown POV)

"Is there anything else that you need?" The nurse in foreign accent speaking English stood beside my bed as she waited for any requests that I'd bother giving.

"No no no just... leave me be." I ordered, looked away from her just to watch the window at the other side of my bed. The nurse looked hesitant, but she just slowly nodded and went her way to the door to leave.

He's coming.

I knew it from the start that he will come for me.

My fingers fidgeted on top of my blanket, limited by the cast that wrapped around my forearm. My eyes didn't leave the huge window at my right side, keeping my attention high at all times and at all costs.

I can't move my body.

Numerous casts and supports attached on every part of my body which puts me into place on the bed; except my bruised up face. A left black eye and swollen right cheek which covered up by a gauze plastered on it. Not to mention a few bandages wrapped around my head, stained by my own blood.

He did this to me.

I couldn't stop feeling the agonizing pain on every move I make, and never will forget the broken bones I had during that time in the lounge.

It was the first time that I saw he got so mad; just because of a woman. The red glow in his eyes, those smoke covering his whole body, was my only nightmare in every dream. And after I heard the news about what happened to the captive, I knew that I must expect the worst to come.

I knew he is coming for me.

My head slowly turned as my eyes rolled towards the walkie-talkie placed on the table beside my bed. So far, nothing peculiar happened; but that didn't mean that I can let my guard down just for the sake of feeling better.

I couldn't say that I didn't expect it to happen, it was so obvious what comes next if any captive is due their time for interrogation. The doctor was way far from her due, and she should expect what happened to her fate. But somehow he will never let this situation slip off from anyone's hands.

He will find the one to blame.

And fucking hell he would come for me.

Another sigh escaped from my mouth. The heart monitor however showed nothing that indicates I'm calm. Every now and then, a nurse would come barging in, looking worried as she watched my monitor through her screens. And I would expect another one to come in in any minute now.

My mind went back thinking about that Reaper guy.

He is ruthless.


And for sure he is a monster that everyone feared.

But why...?

Of all the captives he interrogated, that doctor was the only captive that successfully showed his soft side. I couldn't understand the stupid special treatment that he was giving, was it just because he knew the doctor before coming to us?

I don't know what he was doing with the captive during his interrogation time, but I could see that he spent too much of his time on that bitch. Willing himself to take the night shift watching her, numerous feeding time, more than he would to a mere captive, hell, he wouldn't even give a bread to a captive. Never.

How pathetic.

He was dumb enough to show his weakness for a mere acquaintance, bleh. He even said that he hated her.

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