wrong number, right time

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It was all an accident. Paige thought she'd clicked Frankie, she was sure she clicked Frankie's number. And yet when she came back into her bedroom she saw his face just as clear as day. She was going to click end call but before she could she heard a "hello" and that's when she froze.

"Hello," he sung. "Paige, you there?"

She could still hang up. After all he wasn't even looking at the screen. Then again he'd only call back, after all Bernie didn't get a lot of facetime requests and it was Friday night. The boy was desperate.

Paige sighed, realizing she was stuck. "I-I'm here," she answered. She looked up at the ceiling as she blinked tears away before showing herself to Bernie.

"Sup?" he asked as he ate on a Snickers. He looked like he had been chilling on the couch and Paige heard the TV in the background.

"I didn't mean to call you."

"Ha, not the first time I've heard that from a girl."

"I don't mean it in a bad way Bernie you know that. I just... it's." Paige's eyes began to water again. Her voice was cracking in a way where even Bernie could catch it. And he did.

"Woah, woah, wait a minute." Bernie squinted his eyes as he really focused on Paige. She didn't look like the usual perky Paige he knew. It was Friday and she usually was out with Frankie, but instead she sat in baggy pajamas and her hair in a messy bun. Bernie had seen those type of buns before on girls, but this one was just tragic. Paige was a whole other person, a vulnerable side he never thought he would see from her. "Are you okay?"

Paige tried to muster a smile but it faded. She shrugged and shook her head no. A tear dropped on the screen which she wiped off with her shirt. This was not good to Bernie, not good at all.

"Wanna talk about it?" Bernie rose up from his comfy seat and headed to his own bedroom. It wasn't unlike his grandma to be around every corner spying.

"You wouldn't understand," Paige said.

Bernie smiled. "You're probably right, but I like a challenge. Do you not see me chase Amelia every day of my life."

Paige hesitated. She was so close to hanging up and calling Frankie. Frankie was the only one she shared her deepest feelings with. Sure Bernie could be a good listener, but he's a guy and guys don't get girls. Paige was certain Bernie would just dismiss her problems to being "girl stuff" and change the subject. But she figured the quicker she told him the quicker he'd end the call and she could contact Frankie.

"The other day when we left Spanish I heard some girls going on about Bizaardvark and Perfect Perfection."

Still trying to find the issue, Bernie said, "Bizaardvark's getting noticed more at school, isn't that a good thing?"

Paige rolled her eyes in frustration. "It would be if they were noticing it for our skits and not for me." She felt her throat choking up again but this time she wasn't going to hold back. She had gotten this far after all. "Apparently Amelia is the perfect Vuuugler because she has the talent and the looks. Frankie is "better with short hair" and then there's me, the one who... who makeup can't even fix."

"Ouch." Bernie rubbed the back of his neck as he thought of something else to say. This was definitely a facetime topic for Frankie. He thought about hanging up and blaming it on his phone dying, but Paige was crying all over again and that would probably make things worse. She held her head down in shame and probably embarrassment since this was the first time Bernie seen her this way.

Bernie tried to think back to that day Paige mentioned. He did see some girls near Paige's locker. He was distracted with the mess that dropped out of his hands and onto the floor.

"Paige a little help here," Bernie had called. He glanced back at Paige who seemed fixated on something else. As he cleaned up his stuff he saw her face drop. She slammed her locker closed and stormed away. The girls started snickering but Bernie thought they were laughing at him.

'"Yay, more girls who won't date me" 

Bernie felt like an idiot now. "So...what are you going to do? You're not going to end Bizaardvark are you?"

Paige's head shot up from her hands. Her eyes were puffy and red and it took all of Bernie not to shudder at the sight of it. "Of course not. Bizaardvark is my life and we've gotten so far. I just think it's time for a new look."

Bernie groaned. "Alright Paige, you don't have to change how you look over some dumb girl's comments about you."

"But she's right, isn't she? Y-you're a guy, you watch the girls on Vuuugle. Don't you think I look boring or ugly compared to them."

"You know who's hot on Vuuugle, Brianna Taylor, Amelia of course, Izzy Avila..."

"I got it."

"But you know who's funny, creative, and when not crying looks even better than all of them combined...this guy."

Paige's mouth dropped but she couldn't help but laugh at his confidence.

"Oh and you," Bernie continued, feeling good that he got her to smile again. "Amelia has about 5 videos on which eye shadows are perfect for summer and Izzy stays in drama with other Vuuuglers. You and Frankie have endless ideas for Bizaardvark, you never know what you're gonna get. That's entertainment. And not to be corny or anything but, you're always gonna be on my top 5 lists of beautiful Vuuugler girls. "

"Really?" Paige was taken aback by that one. She knew of a lot of gorgeous girls on Vuuugle and she was on his top 5? She wanted to say he was only saying that to be nice, but she couldn't find a lie in those beady eyes of his.

"But Amelia's my queen."

Paige giggled. "Of course she is," . She felt a whole lot better than before. Maybe Bernie was good at this talking about your feelings thing after all. "Thanks Bernie, I really needed this."

"Eh no prob, you know I've got your back Paige. Now do you think you can get me a date with Amelia tomorrow?"

Paige held her phone up. "Sorry, I-I can't hear you I'm going through a tunnel."

"Paige you better not-"

Paige hung up, clutching the phone to her chest. She was beaming like a little girl in a candy store. Bernie was right. She wasn't going to change her looks. And it was the entertainment that mattered not how she looked to people on screen. She liked her clothes, she liked her eyes even though they weren't blue or bright green like Izzy Avila, she liked being Paige!

"And that's what I'm going to be," she determined. As she got up she got a look at her hair in the mirror. "Eh, but maybe I'll be Paige with a hairbrush."

A/N ooh okay so I really  wanted to write this one :). I still have What's Inside to finish for my Lab Rats Elite Force fans but that's coming soon. I just needed to work on a one shot to get my writing juices going. Hope my fellow Bizaardvark fans liked this one, Bizaardvark doesn't get a lot of stories or reads because it's not as popular so I'll try to fill that void :P REVIEW DORKS <3

*Olivia's pic for the cover was from a livestream and Ethan's was from an insta story, they both happened to be posted around the same time and they both happened to be in their rooms where I wanted the story to take place. That was creepily amazing to me :'D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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