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I don't know why do I feel so sullen all of a sudden. No man gets under my skin no matter how good he looks, but that arrogant prick affects me to the bone that nobody else does.

I can't deny the fact that he's got the look—a playboy persona look—a look that most women fall for—a look that can fool you in just a single glance he throws to you.

He has an athletic figure that doesn't have an ounce of fat other than a perfect ripped body. Well, I have not seen him shirtless, but yesterday, I know if he has muscles underneath his shirt or not. His thick dark blond hair styled in a messy way like he frequently runs his fingers through it, but he's a dick.

Yeah, he said that he has a huge dick.

How could he ask someone like me for a threesome? Do I look like a cheap? He even smirked —a cocky kind of smirk.

I close my laptop back. I just can't even concentrate on searching for a job.

Slumping my body back to my bed dramatically, I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Come in."

Kyland emerges from the door, his piercings, nose, and lip ring sparkles in the dark, then he flicks the light on. He looks exhausted, but he's still managed to smile at me.

"If you'll gonna give me a lecture for going to the club, don't waste your time," I start, tucking my blanket under my chin.

"I'm not gonna say a thing anymore, Cam. You've been a good girl and a good student. I think it's time for you to enjoy your life. Just know your limit and stay...safe," Kyland says, releasing a huge breath.

My face heats. "Safe? Jeez, perhaps can you be a little more specific than that. Like stay protected. Use condoms, maybe?"

He's aware that I've never dated other than group dates. My focus is on getting a college degree. Kyland has been there for me since birth. When I turned eighteen, he let me stayed in his apartment for free, he helped me pay my tuition, helped me to buy my car, and he also pays our bills. I can't just disappoint him and his mom. I'm also doing this for myself—for my future.

My mother was an alcoholic and a coke addict and never showed up again after giving birth to me, until today. I never heard anything from her, not that I'm interested in her after abandoning me. I don't even know if she's dead or still alive.

I never knew my parents if Aunt Carissa did not mention bits of information about my birth mom. What I know of is my mother got pregnant with me when she was just started to get a break in Hollywood. She had a one-night stand with the sperm donor, which was my father during their drunken night. When my mother informed him she was pregnant, the sperm donor denied that I'm his.

"I don't want you to take the same path as your mother, Cam, but I know you, and you are way smarter than her," he says, giving me a concerned look.

PYKE ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon