Chapter 1

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The next morning

Anna: kristoff I am gonna go wake the kids up ok

Kristoff: here I can come help

Pyro: morning momma

Annabelle: morning momma

Joeff: mwomma

Lovely: mwomma

Kris: morning mother

Anna: morning kids *picks up pyro* I will get you guys ready one at a time ok pyro first

Pyro: ok mommy *gets ready*

Anna: all you guys are ready for the day

Pyro: where's my daddy

Anna: he's right here *points to kristoff*

Pyro: that's not my dadda my dadda is pitch

Anna: *picks up pyro* he tried to kill your uncle jack

Merida: I am gonna go and get hiccup and Antonio and come back (hiccup is the dad and Antonio is there child)

Everyone: see you soon

*merida walks out the door*

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~princess Anna

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