Chapter 5

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That night

Elsa: it's so noisy in this house jack I can't stand it

Jack: I know there 4 full families here

*knock on there bedroom door*

Riley and Farrah: aunt can we come in we have a issue

Elsa: *opens the door* what's wrong sweeties

Farrah: someone kidnapped our mom and dad and Punzie

Jack: where were you guys then

Farrah: I was with Antonio (Farrah and Antonio are both 13 and like each other )

Riley: I was with Jackson and pyro (Riley and Jackson and pyro are the same age)

Elsa: ok and where was your mom and dad and Punzie

Farrah: in the bedroom but when we went in there the window was smashed

Jack and elsa: pitch

Elsa: Farrah and Riley go check all the rooms

Farrah and Riley: ok

*farrah and Riley run off*

Elsa: jack we forgot our kids where in the rooms

*farrah and Riley walk back into the room*

Farrah: pyro is gone and so is Auntie Anna

Elsa: my sister is gone *cries* I was supposed to take cars of her

Meanwhile at pitchs house

Anna: let my family go now

Pitch: let's see I have rapunzel and Punzie and Anna and pyro

Anna: YOU HAVE PYRO *falls to the ground* my sister will find you

Pitch: oh I know she will anna *pushes everyone into a cage* don't touch the cage or you shall be electrified

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~princess Anna

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