Part 2

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I started to stumble backwards. Then I stopped. She needed me more than ever. 

As I stumbled, I snapped a twig. This made me suddenly aware of the silence filling the air around me. The world had been covered in a soundproof blanket. It was eerily quiet. I could hear every breath I took, every beat of my heart, every step I made. I became aware of my breathing, I tried to only breathe through my nose, praying it would be quieter. Then I heard a creak. Two. 

I turned, as a reflex, expecting to see the girl at the window. But she was gone. Gone with all the sound. Where had she gone? If not her, who had been walking? Her dad? But he was upstairs. Surely, he hadn't taken her away, already done the dirty deed. But that wouldn't match the story. Surely not? 

I didn't know what to do, how to feel. I couldn't help her on my own, I knew that, I couldn't be naive. This was her life at stake, this was murder. Murder. The word sounded so normal. It didn't sound like it could tear lives apart. Leave families and friends feeling horrible and frightened. Leave the victim lifeless. I couldn't believe that all these terrible and horrific things could be squashed into six letters. 

Add two more letters and you have horrible and terrifying people, people like my friend's dad. 



This is quite a short part, I just made it to highlight the word 'murder'. You may have noticed that in both of my parts I have not mentioned the main characters name or gender. This will hopefully mean you can imagine yourself as the hero. Comment what you think of this part below. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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