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Chapter One-

My name is Diana and I go to Riverdale high, I am currently a sophomore and I live with my best friend Alex. I wasn't hated, or so I thought. When my whole world crumpled I cried so much. Everyday thinking why did I go, why hadn't I listened to my friends and not gone to that stupid party. Now I had nothing left, my dignity gone, half my friends don't talk to me and my parents have kicked me out of the house. All I have left is my best friend, Alex. He has helped me through everything and so have his parents. I don't trust anybody but him, he helps me out at school and deal with everything that happens at that horrid place. But enough of me and with everything, I can't keep moping about what happened, I have to move on and keep strong.

Flashback- I was going to my first party ever, it was the beginning of sophomore year and I had many friends, but I wasn't popular. I had down to earth friends not those rich snotty ones. My 'nerd' friends had told me not to go because something always went wrong. But I wanted to go and experience the fun of parties. I had never gone to one and I was very excited. I had found a dress that Kaley my sister had once worn. You see Kaley was once very popular but then she moved onto college and had left most of her clothes to me, as well as her ''throne'' as she called it. Saying that I needed those clothes more than her. So I used one of her dresses, it was a black strapless dress. I had also worn some black heels to go along with the dress. Once done with my hair I put on some light makeup and a bit of jewelry. I went outside and into my car. My dad had gotten me a Camero for my 16 birthday and it was everything to me. We were rich but I didn't like to take advantage of their money like my sister. Once I arrived to the party I couldn't help but stare at the huge house in front of me. This house belonged to the jock of Riverdale high, Alec. His parents were really rich and loved extravagant things .I stepped inside the house and all heads turned to me. I guess I wasn't one to be at parties since I always studied and stayed home. I clearly wasn't like my sister. I didn't like attention given to me but everything was okay. I was making my way to the kitchen when everybody decided to finally stop staring. I reached for a beer and drank it. I was used to the taste since Kaley had  me do stupid stuff when I was a freshman. I decided to go to the dance floor and just try to forget about the drama going on in school and my life. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my waist but didn't mind. Somebody handed me a red plastic cup and I drank from it. I was aware that Kaley had told me about accepting things from people at parties but what harm could be done. It didn't take long for the whole room to feel like it was spinning. My head was throbbing and I felt very dizzy. I felt strong arms carry me up a flight of stairs and then land on a bed. I couldn't make any sense of what was happening and so I just let it go. I heard voices that seemed familiar but couldn't recognize them at the moment. My head was spinning so I decided to just sleep. Hopefully  who ever this person was must have been nice enough to help me up to a room. I would thank them in the morning.-End of flashback.

After that one night my life changed drastically. I started to puke and my head often hurt. I was eating right so I didn't know what the problem was. Later that day I went to the store and got a pregnancy test. I went home, waited for three minutes and then was finally ready for the results. When I saw that it was positive I cried so much. I didn't know how I was going to tell my parents. After a couple of days I finally took the charge and went to tell my parents. I told them that I had been robbed of my virginity and was now pregnant. Disappointment would have been an understatement, they were outraged. My dad have given me two choices, either abort and forget anything happened or leave and never seek to them for help. My parents were careful when it came to their image and their only daughter left with a child from an unknown father was bad. I was not going to abort the child I was carrying so I left. But not empty handed, I left with my car, phone and money that had been given to me for shopping purposes. Now all I had to do was find somebody who would let me live a couple days with them. My so called 'friends' turned their backs on me and said their parents image was on the line as well. The only friend left to turn to was Alex. I called him and told him the story from beginning to end. He accepted me and so did his parents. That's what I loved about the Perez family. They were honest and humble people. They had earned everything they had, not like everybody else around here. So as the days passed I would thank them and Alex. Alex being the best friend he was acted like the father of my child buying everything I wanted and needed. He would also help me cope with all the rumors and stares at school. Nothing would be okay without Alex. He was my rock, always there for me when I needed him. Now I didn't know how to repay him for all he had done.


Hello readers! This is my first story that has been written on wattpad so I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. It is kind of a filler chapter since I'm writing on the fly here. Comment on anything and feel free to give ideas, I will read each one and take them inconsideration. I reread each chapter I do so there can not be any mistakes and if there is sorry. I will try to update twice a week since school is almost out but there are still a lot of tests. Hope you enjoyed reading this chap. and stay tune for the rest of this story. If you liked it please tell others and expect another update soon. Comment and vote. :)


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