Chapter 2

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As I reached the alarm I felt a sudden pain in my stomach. Screaming for Alex's name I heard his footsteps rushing into the room. ''Are you okay, Diana whats wrong?'' ''Alex quick come, here give me your hand.'' As I put Alex's hand on my stomach he smiled. Feeling a baby kick was his dream that he wanted to fulfill. He always wanted to feel the baby kick but he never got the chance. I was now four months pregnant and well fat. As Alex helped me up from bed I stumbled and wobbled. I headed towards the restroom and Alex told me breakfast was going to be ready soon. As I changed I reminisced all that had happened in my life. If I had listened to my friends then none of this would have happened. I would not be pregnant but at home with my nanny. My parents being typical were never home and always at work. Or so they said but I never really cared much to listen to what they had to say. They wanted to make me be just like my sister. Popular and well socialized/classy, I never really cared for any of those things so never did what they told me to do. My sister was their perfect daughter. Now that she had gone to college I was the one to take her place and become that picture perfect daughter they always wanted me to be. And so back to my morning that wasn't going so well since I carried a lot of extra weight. As I made my way downstairs I breathed in the smell of pancakes and bacon. My favorite breakfast ever. As I entered the kitchen I saw Alex placing lots of pancakes onto one plate. The Perez family didn't have any servants, they did everything and anything the house needed work on. So Alex had to learn how to cook for himself since his parents were gone most of the time on business trips as well. He turned around and saw me enter. Showing me a wide smile I gave back a weak one. '' Hey An what's wrong?'' Alex asked. ''Oh well the fact that I am fat as a cow and probably weigh more than one, that's what's wrong.'' I played that whole sentence in my head and how bad it had sounded, really mean tone I used. ''Sorry Alex it's just the pregnancy has me, well a little shook up and I can't seem to get enough rest lately.'' I told him my reasoning over the mood change and well all the pressure I felt lately. ''It's okay An, I understand that this is new to you and well hard to balance when you have school involved.''  I nodded in response thanking that he understood me and didn't go all bananas on me like I had to him. ''Here eat some breakfast so you won't pass out.'' As I ate my food in silence I remembered I had to go the doctors appointment I had after school. ''Hey Alex can you come with me to the doctors, today is the day I find out the gender of my baby.'' ''Sure,'' Alex said chewing on his food quickly. As I looked at the clock on the kitchen counter I realized we only had ten minutes to get to school on time. As we rapidly ate our breakfast, walking and doing everything at once we picked up our backpacks and left the house. We took Alex's car since he was taking me later to the doctors and drove off to school.

At school-

When I got to my first period, science, I took my seat and waited for the teacher to enter class. Mr. B always coming late, finally came in and told us we were going to start our new science project having to do with plants. We were to grow plants with different chemicals and see which plant survived the testing. Mr. B made us pair up in partners letting us choose who we were going to work with. I didn't have any friends in this class so I had a difficult time finding a partner. After waiting for everybody to pair up the last person that was left was the one and only, Alec Pierson. Riverdale's jock and most popular well loved jerk. Alec and I had a past, well more likely my sister had a past with Alec. When she was still in high school, her and Alec dated for a year. Her being older by two years got away with a lot. While Alec was a sophomore Kaley was a senior. Alec was instantly popular and loved all the attention given to him. It got to his head and Kaley had to bring it down a notch. So being her selfish self, she cheated on Alec saying he wasn't worth her while. Alec became cold hearted and slept with girls, played hearts and left. He told everybody that my sister had broken his heart and that he had loved her so much making him now who he was. So all to blame for his actions was my sister. I went to take a seat next to Alec and when he saw me he shot me a glare. I didn't know why he hated me so much I had nothing to do with my sister. I was just a freshman when all of this had happened. As I pulled back the chair I felt a strong kick which made me hold on to the table and bend over in pain. The baby wasn't due in five moths but it sure kicked like a ninth month one. As I tried to steady myself I saw somebody come up from behind me and help me into the chair. It was Alec, well looks like he wasn't so much of a jerk. When I was about to thank him he turned and put on that mask he had built himself over the years. Although he was a junior and I a sophomore we still had to work together so any plan of escape from him was ruined. As I calmed myself I saw Alec steal glances my way looking at my stomach. I guess he had never seen a pregnant woman before. I quickly took his hand which surprised him and placed it on my stomach. The baby gave a kick and I saw the faintest of smiles appear on Alec's face. And as soon as it came it left. He took his hand back and I felt something with in me swirl. It might have been the baby but it felt as though the baby longed for Alec's touch. I didn't know what the feeling was and so I let it go, I would worry about it some other time.


Hey there peeps! so I updated and well I hope you liked this chapter. I enjoyed writing it and felt more into the story. I will try to do different point of views in the story so the characters can express there side of the story. So if you haven't figured it out Diana was just barely a sophomore when she got pregnant so around September four months have passed and it is now January, I didn't want to do the story during Christmas and all because  I have another plan for that event. I will try to do a character page where there is info on the characters and all. So expect one of those soon and don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

(P.S. If you are paying close attention to the story you might see a clue about what happened with Kaley,Alec and Diana as well as the baby. ;))

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