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Hissing, Yoongi rubbed his aching neck. He couldn't remember why he was in so much pain but after waking up in the middle of a dark forest, he really didn't care. His throat felt dry. His legs getting weaker. He started walking about 5 hours ago and he was getting exhausted.

Little whimpers escaped his lips as his eyes stung with tears. He hated being alone. He hated the dark more than anything. Lights and noise caught the attention of the young one. He could see the outskirts of a nearby town coming into view. He smiled for the first time tonight as he started to pick up his pace.

The night sky started to turn a slight pinkish-orange as Yoongi stepped foot onto the concrete sidewalk. He looked at it for a second before his hands met his head, slightly pulling at his hair. He could hear liquid running throughout his head and his throat clenched. He tried swallowing, only to be met with dryness. He kept walking, trying to ignore the pain that shot through his veins. He pathetically licked his lips and wrapped his arms securely around his chest.

The smell of rusted metal filled his nostrils, making his head shoot up unexpectedly fast. A young female, around his age, stood by herself. She looked around and shook her head before walking down a dark alley. Yoongi was curious and her scent intrigued him. He held his nose softly and followed her slowly. Yoongi wanted to attack. He felt he needed to drink something or someone. Keeping his footsteps light, he followed more closely and smirked.

Suddenly she turned around and caught him off guard. "Who are you?" She asked, her voice dripped of fear. Yoongi's eyes softened and he bowed slightly, lightly slapping himself and muttering a small apology to the young girl. She nodded and ran off, obviously scared of Yoongi.

He couldn't believe where his mind went. He shook his head and walked out of the alley and back into the streets. He had no clue where to go but he kept observing his surroundings anyway. He hoped he could remember something but his head was spinning. Somehow while in his thoughts, he stumbled upon a bakery. He needed to sit down. He shyly stepped in and took a seat near the door.

A man approached Yoongi and stood next to the table, tapping his foot. Yoongi looked up and smiled softly, only to have the man glare down at him. "You going to order or what man?" The kid spat. Yoongi shook slightly before saying "Water please." The boy scoffed and walked away. Yoongi could hear yelling from behind the kitchen doors and then another man came out smiling at Yoongi. "Hey, there kid. You don't look so good. Eat or drink anything you want. It's on me." The man offered and before Yoongi could object, the man laid a muffin in front of him and ruffled his hair. "The name's Seokjin. But call me Jin." Yoongi couldn't believe he was being so nice to a stranger but it made Yoongi smile. "I'm Yoongi." He whispered and took a bite out of the muffin, eyes lighting up and turning a light blue instead of his usual dark brown. Jin noticed this but decided to stay quiet. He left Yoongi to eat in peace as he went to call his boyfriend.

Yoongi waved as he left Jin's shop and began another pointless journey down the road. The sun had finally risen which made Yoongi's skin tingle. He had always been sensitive to the bright light but it never felt as bad as this. He felt like he was on fire. Standing in the shade, he looked around and covered his eyes, taking off in a sprint down a dark tunnel. His thirst slowly started to rise again and his feet came to a stop. A dark figure lurked above him, making Yoongi feel very small.

"You thirsty little one?" The man questioned and bent down to Yoongi's eye level. Yoongi nodded and softly said, "Yes, sir." The man then grabbed Yoongi's hand in his and started pulling him behind him. "Come with me."


A/N: I know it's not much but I'm playing this story differently than my other works. I hope you guys love it. Thank you for reading. 

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