In Between The Lines

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Lines keep paper organized; neat. I wish they had life lines. No, not the kind you call. The kind of lines that organize your life to make it more... simple. And that's exactly how my mom and dad think life is, perfect.

But they're wrong. Absolutely wrong. I'm an only child, meaning, they focus on me a lot more than they should. They're both employed and have busy jobs, yet they still stalk me!

I told my mom that she and dad stalk me way too much. She called it, 'watching over me'. Yeah, ok.

I'm emo. I have long white and pink hair. I have a nose ring. And I get bullied for that...

"OMG! What a freak show! Doesn't she think about other people being scarred by her hitious face before she gets out of bed?! Oh wait, she doesn't

have a bed!" Melissa would always laugh than walk away in her ugly stelletos.

Melissa is the 'mean girl' of our college. With her possy of 2 other girls named Regina and Mandi, she's pretty much unstoppable. It's sad, but true.

I have 4 friends. That's it. 2 of them are emo but the other 2 are completely happy, and let me tell you, their happiness about life is really comforting.

Skylar is a girl with sky blue emo hair. She has a lip ring and is pretty awesome yet shy.

Danniel is a girl with pink and black hair. She has a eyebrow ring and is really chill yet cool.

Violet is a girl with normal blonde hair and no piercings on her face. She is actually the good kind of popular and gets along well with everyone.

Last but not least is Maddie, we call her Mads. She has auburn hair and has no piercings. She's book smart and is really entertaining when she scrunched her nose up like a bunny.

And by the way, I'm Kelsey.

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