Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Beat beat and the occasional after beat hit the floor as the silver team handspringed onto the floor. Wish I could do that.

Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you, I'm also in gymnastics. It's actually the ONLY sport I've ever done. It boosts my self esteem. Alot.

Normally I would be super happy to be here, ya know, away from the devil. But today Melissa decided to surprise me... by ruining my happiness.

So, now the girl is here, and sorta good. Kinda. A little. Who am I kidding?! She's amazing! And here I am with a bunch of naive little middle schoolers, she's with the older college girls, in a too tight leotard.

"TIME TO GO-O!" My teacher screamed. The middle schoolers ran away while I slumped walking slowly to my car.

I got in the car and drove away with a frown. Who knew Melissa could be such a brat? Oh wait, me.

I looked at the radio and turned up the volume.

"Let it go!" Haha. That song was good the first forty times it was played. I changed the channel.

"'Cause I'm happy clapping..." Same with this song. Change.

"Still I will not kiss you! 'Cause the hardest part of this... is leaving you." Finally, actual good music. My Chemical Romance. Yes!

I sang along to the radio until I got back to my stupidly small college door room. I don't have a room mate. It's kinda nice though. Yet lonely. Sigh. All my friends have roommates, eachother. But I thought it would be nice to be alone. So, here I am.

I layer down on my bed and sighed. I seriously need a roommate. Ugh.

Knock knock There's a knock on my door! What could it be!? Oh right, duh Kelsy, another fellow human. Or is it a robot?! The world may never know! Well, I gotta get it to see the human/robot. Here I go...

I open the door to see a tall brunette BOY with curly hair pushed back. He had a edge to him with all his tattoos.

"Hi. I'm uh, your new, roommate. Harry Styles."

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