Under the Summer Stars

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so guys. I wrote another book. ik, ik, crazy right.

I hope you like it though.





It was finally here.

After so many long months of pointless history, hard essays, impossible equations, and chemical bondages, it was finally here, and to be honest, it felt great.

I slammed my locker as I threw my bag over my shoulder, Chris and Drew attacking me as they ran into me. I couldn't tell if it was a congratulatory way of saying we made it through another year in this hell hole! or if they were trying to hug me. Either way, I smiled at their company.

"Ah, summer," Chris said with a lopsided grin on his face. "The only time we won't get yelled at for asking a girl to put on a bikini."

Drew snorted. I just rolled my eyes as I large smile grew on my face.

"This is great, man," Drew said to me. "I can't tell you how long I was waiting for this. I was literally counting the seconds until Mrs. Ward would stop talking."

"Did she ever stop?" I asked him jokingly.

"Not until the bell made her," he throws back with a smile, hitting my chest and running off to a couple of our friends who were standing by the front entrance, excited to leave.

Chris nudged me in my side, a more serious look on his face. "So, man, you think you're dad'll be back this summer?"

"I'm hoping," I said distractedly.

In my head I was wondering the same question. Would he finally return from his mysterious leaving or would he stay away like he had for the past week and a half?

"Hey, well, whatever happens, I'm here for you," he told me with a smile. I thanked him before he jogged to our friends.

Suddenly I felt another presence next to me and cringed as I could smell her Chanel perfume. Lindsey.

"Hey, Hotstuff," she greeted me with her usual nickname, chewing her gum like it was nobody's business. "How's it hangin'?"

"Low and to the left," I said uninterestedly, trying to focus on Chris and Drew who were now leaving.

"Oh, Jackie, you always know how to crack a joke." Lindsey came and stood in front of me, stopping me from walking. She put her palms on my chest, fondling the cotton of my shirt with her fingertips. "My parents won't be home this weekend. Maybe you'd want to come over?"

"Sounds good," I smiled and walked around her towards the doors. "I'll call you."

"I changed my number, though!" she yelled from behind me.

"I'll ask around," I said to her over my shoulder. She shrugged and turned away, her heels clinking against the floor.

I walked out of the doors and was hit with a breath of fresh, June air. I smiled as the humidity encircled my body, making the air seem heavier and more dense. To any other person, this would be irritating. To me, it was a sign of what was yet to come.

I jogged to catch up to Chris and Drew, and when I did, I noticed Kristin - Drew's twin sister - and Marty - another good friend of mine - were with them.

"Guys," I panted when I finally reached them. "Thanks for waiting up."

"We would've, but you were talking to Lindsey," Kristin said. "What's the deal with you two? Are you dating? Is she another victim?"

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