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As Kristin came into view again, almost an hour later, this time with two completely random girls at each of her side, I leaned towards Drew, my eyes on the girls.

"Do you know them?"

"Who? The girls?" he asked me, and I nodded. "No, I don't know them, but they're hot."

I faced him, and for some reason my eyes scrunch together. "Yeah," I relaxed the muscles in my face. "I guess."

Kristin and the two girls are now standing with us, and for a moment, my eyes lock with the girl on the left. My gaze is still focused on her as she and her friend introduce themselves to the guys and me.

I find out her name is Beth, and her friend's name is Ellen. Apparently they're from North Dakota, and are staying with Beth's grandma.

I also learn that that one house across from the beach, the one that everyone wonders who stays in there anymore because it's vacant 99% of the year, belongs to Beth's grandma. As kids, Chris and I used to throw the little gravel pebbles from the road at the windows for entertainment.

It's weird, because I've met her grandma before. A couple years ago, I used to do her paper route when she lived here year round.

Beth and Ellen both say goodbye to us before simply walking about 600 feet to their vacation home. I watch Beth as she leaves.

"Beth," I say to the group. "She looks familiar for some reason."

"She looks like a young, hot version of her grandma," Kristin says to me. Everyone faces her with a weirded-out expression. "What?" she shrugs. "I'm straight."


Today was weird. And not like "Woah, dude, is this the matrix?" weird. Like, "This roller coaster's about to drop," weird.

I couldn't explain it, but it felt weird, and that annoyed the shit out of me.

This girl, Beth, is new in town, and I swear, Dad, I know her. I can't put my finger on it, but I know I've met her. I just can't figure out where from.

- Jack

P.s. I miss you, Dad.

That night, I ended up at Drew and Kristin's house, with Marty wading mindlessly in the deep end of their pool. Kristin, Drew, and I were sat around a slowly dying fire.

Kristin and I were under a thin blanket on a backless, wooden bench - despite it being summer - while Drew sat in a lounge chair. Marty came soon after and sat in one of the other chairs next to Drew.

"Guys," Kristin whined from next to me. "I want to play a game."

"Truth or Dare?"

"Please, Drew," she rolled her eyes. "We're not in sixth grade."

"I would suggest we play Spin the Bottle," Marty laughed and turned to Kristin. "If you weren't the only girl here. And we're not in sixth grade."

We all laughed.

"Yeah, let's play Charades, or something," I shrugged.

"Charades?" Drew snorted. "What are you, 80?"

"Well, there's not much to play, dipshit," I laughed as I sipped my Sprite.

"Truth or Dare is our best bet," Kristin smirked.

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