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Ok some I'm about to rant a LOT.

so harry is a dick to Hagrid. Hagrid is so kind and compasiniate to harry rescuing him from the dursleys and protecting him multiple times and yet harry just treats Hagrid like SHIT. The only reason he shows up to argogs funeral is to get information on voldemort. He is the same when he complety forgets about buck beaks trial.

He treats hermoine just as bad and has his head so far up dumbledicks ass.

I'm sorry about getting so upset but sometimes things make me upset. To put it in Milo words

"I'm disappointed because you don't appreciate what people do for you. These sacrifices they are willing to go for you and the amount of effort they will put forward to ensure that you're all right. I bet the dursleys never sure do anything like that I understand, it might come across four and you but now that you have it, you're not being appreciative at all"

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