Day 1

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I woke up early that day because I couldn't wait till we shoot today. It's the elevator scene that I'm most excited about, and I get to hang out with Z and Laura. Laura and I have been friends since the 5th grade. She got me and audition for the movie The D.U.F.F and I had a little cameo like how Stan Lee has his one liners in Marvel Films. There was a knock at my trailer door.

"Y/N time to get ready, we get to film that special scene today." I heard Laura say.

"I'll be out in a minute." I said. I rolled out of bed and checked my phone. There were two missed calls from my best friend B/N. Then my phone rang again and their name appeared on the screen. "Hello." I said sleepily.

"Hey best friend. I just wanted to wish you and Laura luck with shooting that scene you've been waiting for." She/ He said.

"Thanks pal. I'll pass the message to her." I said smiling.

"Oh and tell her to answer my calls. I want to know how her and Tom are doing. They're such a cute couple." She/ He said.

I rolled my eyes. Ever since they got together last year Laura has not stopped talking about him. What can I say they're madly in love. "Ok I will. I have to go I have get dressed. Bye."

"Bye." She/He said.

I quickly brush my teeth, pull my hair into ponytail, put on my glasses because I'm blind without them, and I put on some leggings and a Deadpool t-shirt with my converse and a black sports cap. "Welp I'm ready." I walked out of my trailer to see Tom and Laura kissing each other. "Oh get a room you two." I said walking down the stairs of my trailer. They just laughed and went back to what they were doing. I spotted Z walking towards us.

"Hey what's up guys." She said. They just continued. I rolled my eyes yet again.

"They're glued to each other as usual. Let's just let these two love birds be." I said linking arms with Zendaya and walking away. Tom and Laura soon followed closely behind us hand in hand. We got to set to find a bar full of delicious food. I wasn't that hungry so I just grabbed a granola bar.

"Oh come on love, you must be more hungry than that." Tom said.

"Nah I'm good wouldn't want to be too full." I said smirking at him.

"Yea I guess you're right." He said smiling picking up a piece of bacon.

I leaned up against the table and crossed my arms. "How are you and Laura doing?" I asked. He looked up then back down at his plate.

"We're doing great. I really really like her. She's tall, pretty, nice, sm--"

"Ok I get it she's basically the perfect girl for you." I said. We both chuckled.

"Well what about you? You're a pretty girl do you have a special guy in your life?" He asked smiling.

I laughed and snorted a little bit. "Me pretty?" I laughed even more. His smile dropped into a frown. "Let me tell you I'm anything but that. No boy ever in the history of boys will ever like me. I'm a true mess." I said laughing and walking away.


"Guys look at the ceiling." Flash said.

"Everybody stay calm." Said the tour guide.

"We are all going to die here." I said. The tour guide opened the door at the top so the tour guide and three other students got out. It was just me, Liz, Ned, and Mr.Harrington. Then the elevator started to drop. We all screamed then Spider-Man jumped in.

"CUT" Yelled the director.

They lowered the fake elevator and we got out.

"Good job guys." Jacob said.

"Yea thanks. I tried my best." Laura said smiling. We all laughed at her. "You did great Tommy." She said. He laughed and took off his mask and connected their lips. I felt my chest sink in. I've never felt this before, and I don't like it either.

"I'll be right back." I said speed walking away. I found a spot on set where no one was and whipped out my phone.

"Hey Y/N how's filming?" B/N asked.

"Heyyyyyy....." I said.

"What happened you never stretch your words unless you have something to really want to tell someone but you can't because you're afraid of the consequence to follow." They said.

"Ok fine, yea, ummmmmm...." I took a long pause. "I.. think.... I like Tom." The line was silent.

Then She/He started laughing. "You like him. Girl you know he's like.. madly in love with Laura. Maybe a miracle will come and they'll break up. Then you can date him, but... You'll have to deal with the press, and Laura. She might disown your friendship. Then we won't be a trio anymore." She/ He said. I rolled my eyes.

"He-He called me pretty earlier. But he didn't directly say 'You're pretty' he said "You're a pretty girl do you have a special guy in your life.""I said speed talking.

They sighed. "Dumbass he did call you pretty. Are you deaf or dumb. It sounds like he was flirting with you." She/He said.

"Even if he was he loves her not me. No one will. But I realized that I liked him just now when we got done with half the elevator scene and they kissed right in front of me. My chest sunk in. I didn't like it." I said tearing up.

"Aww sweetie, let's just let things play out and we'll see how things go. Ok?" They said.

"Ok." I said. "I gotta go I'll call you later on. Bye."


I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to see Zendaya right behind me. With her arms crossed.

"You know you can't tell Laura right?" She said.

"Yea." I said kicking the air.

She engulfed me in a hug and I embraced it. "It's ok like your friend said maybe they will break up one day. And I'll be there by your side to help you every step of the way." She said.

"Thanks Z." I said. "Now let's get back to where we're supposed to be so I can finish this scene and take a nap in my trailer." I said giggling.

A/N- Sorry if it's crappy. What are your thoughts?

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 ❤︎ (Tom Holland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now