Afterthought - Third day

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Sorry for being late! Lately, I've been having issues as you are probably aware. So I've been trying my best to get through it!

Anywho, here is the next bit! Ruki's backstory! Well parts of it hehehehe



Brianna POV

They disappeared again. It was only a little while after Aoi and Ruki came back, but Uruha and that damned raven were already gone. Something about more seals to be found of course, and they had to find the demon they made from last time too.

I don't blame them. Ruki came back and he was anxious to go back out there to find more, but I could tell he was hesitant. After disappearing for i don't know how many hours he wanted to stay here and not leave me alone  I could tell because I could feel how he was feeling. It was only amplified every time he took my hand or looked at me. What exactly is he thinking though? I have yet to figure out why he does the things he does.

Why Reita avoids him like the plague, how they had such bad blood between them. Did they have a fight sometime in the past? Or was it something else that he wasn't ready to tell me? Not until he trusts me fully enough to spill anything.

I must have been obviously distracted because the feeling of his hand on my shoulder startled me. My hair was still wet, and I sat in the warmth of the main area near the fireplace to wait for Umi to come with the tea she promised me.

"Hey. You're daydreaming again," he says to me, a fond glimmer in his darkened but soft eyes. "What's going on?"

He was curious, more so than his usual self. But I guess it was only natural since our bond pulled us closer together than what was normal for us. I'm still hesitant to be alone with him, but I'm getting over it.

"I'm okay. I'm just thinking," I respond. Ruki nodded before taking a spot near me, pursing his lips together. Something about him feels... different. Stronger almost, as though he managed to get past something that was bothering him. It could be all the seals he has been breaking, as far as I know, he managed to break three already. His skin was not as pale, his eyes were brighter, and he had more of an attitude towards Reita.


"Just... things about my life and what I'm gonna do now," I answered as truthfully as I could. "It's not really that important. My mind is a boring place."

My answer didn't seem to satisfy his curiosity because he just twisted his thumbs together before sighing.

"Is it all right if we talk?" He mused quietly, more to himself than me it seemed. But it was still directed at me nonetheless.

"About what exactly?" 

His face grew nervous, and the slight wavering in his next sentence served to make my skin feel a little... on edge. As though I was making him wary. But he was the demon here, not me. I wasn't a bloodthirsty killing machine. Just a helpless girl with more than a few screws loose. 

"I just... I want to know if you're okay. If this is all too much for you... Then you can talk to me, let me know what it is I need to do better."

Is he serious? If I was okay with all of this? I know I have no place in society anymore, but even then being kidnapped is not something someone like me would want willingly. Right? Right. 

"What do you think?" I answered back as sardonically as possible. "These circumstances aren't exactly the most suited for someone in my state of mind. I hope you realize that, and you realize that despite all the gifts and lavish attention, it still is technically kidnapping."

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