It's Not Possible

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I looked around the room, the bright lights blinding me as I groaned; the stiff white bed underneath me was cold, solid, like lying on a rock. There was a loud beeping to my right, I could feel different needles and wires connected to me. I tried to lift my hand to rub my face, but found it restrained by another hand. Tears ran down my face, my heart thumped in my chest, and my breathing become uneven. I guess I should probably introduce myself, I'm Aoibheann. And this is my story.

2 weeks ago March 27th:
"Aoibheann give me back my phone!" screeched Aavontiana, my younger sister,
"I might," I called back, "If you tell me who Adonis is." I finished smirking as I read through her contacts list I may give her crap, but I would never read her messages, that's just low.
"Aoibheann!" I chuckled, unlocking my door,
"Here you go, don't worry, I didn't actually read any messages," I giggled, handing her back her phone, which she snatched out of my hand faster than you could say 'bingo'. Rolling her eyes, she mumbled out a soft 'whatever',
"Hey, want to go get pizza and see that new movie?" she asked quickly changing the subject, that's what I love about Aavontiana, she never stays mad for more than a few seconds,
"Of course," I said pulling a weird face a her, grabbing my wallet from just inside my bedroom, and taking off down stairs, "Come on loser. Let's go." I called out jokingly to her, as she ran down the stairs, slipping her sandals on we walked out the door, me grabbing my car keys from the hooks that hung off the door on the way out.
At the pizza place we ran into our brother Kirren, and his two Malachai, and Rowan. The five of us got a booth together, and pigged out on pizza.
After the pizza, the boys wanted to head to the arcade, while us girls wanted to watch a movie, so we said our goodbyes and parted ways. After the movie as we were leaving the cinema, I began to feel breathless, like my chest was closing in on itself; I stumbled around before collapsing Ava panicked and grabbed my arms, pulling my small frame onto the chair beside where I had fallen once I regained my breath and composure I gently pushed her arms off of me, "It's okay, I just stood up to quickly." I smiled at her, trying to reassure her.

1 week ago April 2nd:
Ava, Kirren and I were down at the courts near our house, playing mini games of Basketball, 1v1, we had been running around for about an hour or two so far, I had been playing but was getting breathless about five minutes in so Kirren ordered me to sit down and relax. The sun was blazing in the autumn sky, "Hey Abs'," I heard Kirren call out from where I was sitting, he and Ava were currently mid game, but he's captain of the school's team, and Ava, well she's more of a bookworm –you gotta give her props for trying
"Yeah?" I called back, using my hand to shield the sun,
"Been working on anything new?" he called back panting slightly, beginning to walk in my direction guess that means the game is over, I thought as Ava too followed his lead beginning to head in my direction, sitting on the grass in front of me.
"I have this one song," I mumbled softly, the two of them nodded encouragingly, "I fell through nothing to get here, and nothing is all that I am, I climbed so high to make it here, and fell right through the cracks - "
I softly sang the lyrics I had been writing over the last few weeks, my mind playing the keys along with it.

3 days ago April 8th:
"Kids, I'm home!" Dad called through the house, he had been on a business trip until now I heard Ava squeal, and thundering footsteps, as her and Kirren raced down the stairs, and I jumped off of my bed running down with them. As per tradition in our family, when he returned from a business trip the 4 of us and our dog, Hades, go for a run. So after quickly separating, we got changed and left for a run. We didn't get very far only to the end of the street before it happened, my breath became short and ragged, and I swayed on my feet before falling down I heard my family's voices, rushed, and loud it was the last thing I heard before everything went black, the panicked voices of the people I cared about the most.

Present Day April 11th:
The beeping was getting really annoying, along with everything hanging off of me, I heard a door creak and looked over the my left, I saw a door slowly open and in walked a tall male, in a white coat great; the hospital I guess it made sense that here is where I would be. "Ah, good your awake," I heard him say, I looked over at the hand holding mine following it up to the person attached to me, Kirren, "Yes," the Dr mumbled, "He hasn't left the last three days, he wanted you to have a familiar face when you woke up. I'm Dr Taylor, I need to ask you a few question." He told me before asking me things like my name, age, and if I remember what had happened. I answered each one as best as I could, my throat still dry and crumbly. Dr Taylor nodded as I spoke, referencing my answers with what was written on his clip board. "Well Ms Mahelani, you may want to wake your brother, then I can tell you what is going on." He stated, I didn't acknowledge him, instead turning to Kirren and shaking him softly,
"Kir, bubba?" I whispered, Kirren shot up,
"Abs." He gasped, hugging me tightly, mumbling into my shoulder, I felt soft tears drip onto me as I held him, trying to comfort him realizing the other person in the room, he pulled back, "So when can she leave Doc?" Kirren asked, Dr Taylor looked down,
"I'm afraid she can't Mr Mahelani, your sister, she has cancer, and I'm afraid it's too far along to remove, we can try che-", everything seemed to blur away in that instant, I couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible.


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