S E V E N // Burned Out Soulmates

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It was as if someone had clicked a switch and the world had been flipped upside down. Nothing was familiar. Even in the confines of the place he knew so well, he couldn't recognize any of it. It was as if he had been thrown into a parallel dimension. A cruel dimension where she didn't care about him. Where he couldn't make her laugh anymore. Not that he wanted to. It was over. They didn't love each other anymore. They couldn't love each other anymore. It was as though their match had burned out. It had been on its last splinter of wood, its last splinter of hope, for the past week. But now it had faded into ashes that blew away to revel only a cold darkness. A incredibly hopeless, dismal darkness. Her voice broke him out of his mind's wrathful keep, a voice he did not recognize. A voice that did not match the one he thought he knew.

"Right, Dave?" She said in a cheery voice, though he knew it wasn't her real happy voice; she was just faking for the people on the other end.

"Sure Z Bee," he replied before he could realize his slip-up. She frowned at him before continuing. "Now we'll leave you for a quick commercial break."

The silence was unbearable. It was nothing he was used to. They used to joke during this time, enjoying each other's company and living their lives. Now all they did was sit in silence. After a minute of the painful quiet she walked out and to Tory. He stayed seated and listened as she talked with the other girl, wondering how it had all gone wrong.

He hadn't noticed their relationship was deteriorating until she had finally walked out on him. His friends told him she'd be back, that it would be fine, that he'd come to the office today to see her running into his arms. But it was a lie. A bitter, tragic lie that he tricked himself into thinking. Instead he was greeted with this icy version of what used to be his Z. The only girl he loved. The only girl he thought he would ever love. How naive he was.

She came back. They went on air. They talked like normal. But it was anything but normal. A pit of dread sat in his stomach as his precious time ticked away with each new song that was played. Words filled his mouth but didn't find their way out. He couldn't help but want to reach out to her, but he stopped himself because he knew it would hurt them more.

So he shut himself up. Told himself he didn't care about her. That she didn't matter. That he could find someone else, like Cheyenne and Randy, who had called in a week ago and told the story of how their signs were changed. That there was someone else. That he wasn't letting the only thing that mattered to him slip away.

He could feel his tears welling up as she said goodbye to her listeners, telling them if they ever wanted to they could listen to the new radio station where she would be relocated. The radio station he knew he would have to listen to every night from that day on until he finally let go. But when would that be? It was all so tragic. But he didn't cry.

What killed him more was that it was his fault. He'd pushed her so much. Pushed her away and brought her back when he needed her. He'd made her weaker and she didn't deserve that. And they pretended. That was the worst part. The last hit on the nail that was already too far in, threatening to shatter all that was built. They pretended to be okay when they were the opposite of that. When all he needed and wanted was her.

At the end of the day she left. She left to never return. And he considered it, he considered yelling after her, considered pleading and kissing her like he so wanted to, but he didn't. He yearned to tell her she was the only thing important to him, that she was his motivation to live, that she was his life. But he didn't as she walked out the door, never to return. For she was going somewhere new and far away. Somewhere he could never imagine her living, but then again, all he ever imagined was that they'd be together forever. She was going to a place to start a new life. And that day he had to start his own.

Hey peoples! I hope you enjoyed that one (Personally it might be my fav so far). I know it was super sad and depressing (like me) but I think my analogy game was strong in it so I'm nevertheless proud. Also I'm working on a new story, so look out for it in a week, a month, 10 years, or never (HAHA #LoveWritersBlock)! Please leave me any comments of feedback or suggestions! And remember to vote and share too! Thank you!

 Also I'm working on a new story, so look out for it in a week, a month, 10 years, or never (HAHA #LoveWritersBlock)! Please leave me any comments of feedback or suggestions! And remember to vote and share too! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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